I had been very sick with this stomach thing and finally went to the doctor yesterday. I ended up being there for 5 hours. I was pretty sick. Very dehydrated it took 4 trys to get an IV in me. I will spare you the gorey (and disgusting) details. But is wasn't just a virus. SSo I'm on them mend. I'm still very tired.
When I got home from the doctor I had a message on my answering machien, "there is an emergancy with joy and you need to come to the daycare". So we get there and Joy is got a towel on her head and is covered in blood. Apparently she fell about 5 feet from a slide and cut her head pretty deep on a rock. So back we go to the hospital. The doctor decides that Joy needs a staple to close the cut on her head. Just one. Oh goodie. Up intill this point she's been relitivly calm. When they put staples in they don't numb the area first the just put them in. I thought for sure that Joy would freak out. And rightfully so it looked like it hurt. So the doctor had me hold her hands and told her that he was cleaning the owie. Then he told her that she would feel a click and he put the staple in. Her eyes got really big and then she got this annoyed look on her face. I asked her what that was and she said " he fixed it" and that was that.
My brave little girl.
When I got home from the doctor I had a message on my answering machien, "there is an emergancy with joy and you need to come to the daycare". So we get there and Joy is got a towel on her head and is covered in blood. Apparently she fell about 5 feet from a slide and cut her head pretty deep on a rock. So back we go to the hospital. The doctor decides that Joy needs a staple to close the cut on her head. Just one. Oh goodie. Up intill this point she's been relitivly calm. When they put staples in they don't numb the area first the just put them in. I thought for sure that Joy would freak out. And rightfully so it looked like it hurt. So the doctor had me hold her hands and told her that he was cleaning the owie. Then he told her that she would feel a click and he put the staple in. Her eyes got really big and then she got this annoyed look on her face. I asked her what that was and she said " he fixed it" and that was that.
My brave little girl.

And hey!!! What do you mean, I'm not strong? You questioning my masculinity? *Glares menacingly*
But.... but.... I had to wear funny clothes!
That place was nothing. Now spending a few weeks with kids on Indian Reservations in Montana...or near the Arctic Circle with Inuit kids on the REAL frozen tundra (Nothing against Lambeu Field)...or doing a Black History Month show where I had to call Harriet Tubman a nigger and throw her off a train while in Camden, NJ (The second highest violent crime rate in the country)... Now that was interesting. Do I qualify with those on my resume?
Hope you feel better!