today i took my mom home from my uncle's house(she's been sick for a while now). i really need to go see her more, but i really can't stand to be in a house with my dad for more than a couple of hours(we REALLY don't get along)...i feel really bad cuz' my mom kicks ass! definity one of the nicest ppl i've ever met...anyway back to the point....i feel stuck between a rock and a hard place with the whole situation....other than that life is later again...
More Blogs
Thursday Aug 29, 2002
this lazy/depression crap really blows ass... -
Friday Aug 16, 2002
life been moving along quite fast these days...i appears that writing… -
Thursday Aug 08, 2002
yesterday was such a great day. i finally got register for school aga… -
Tuesday Jul 30, 2002
today is a pretty good day....made some key life decisions like going… -
Monday Jul 29, 2002
life's been not so good as of late....1st: my mom is sick and going i… -
Friday Jul 19, 2002's been a while since i updated this thing. anyways, went to … -
Friday Jul 12, 2002
2am.....i got to get up for work in 3hrs and i'm not even sleepy yet.… -
Wednesday Jul 10, 2002
today i took my mom home from my uncle's house(she's been sick for a … -
Tuesday Jul 09, 2002
i bought a new moniter today!!!!!! no more 14inch for me....and nvn.… -
Friday Jul 05, 2002
damn last night kicked so much ass....definity reminded me of why i l…