Well, i had a superdull weekend again. But that is a good thing because I THINK MY LEG IS ALMOST BETTER!!!!! WOOHOO...Soon, oh so soon i can get back to b-boying and capeiora (you have no idea how hard it is to pop or break on a leg that won;t let you bend from the hip) .... several hours later ...i got to go cuz...
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How do you use the PS2 controller through USB? A friend of mine was going to convert one years ago. Is there some text that shows one how to?
awesome.. I just bought that one a couple days ago, havent gotten it yet... what kinda software does it have?
today's mission:
work....boring but nessecery
convince someone to go see kill bill(i got a plan fo dis')
buy scanner/printer combo(fry trips are fun
not to kill fellow co-workers(hardest part of the day)
play some disgaea(must...play...game..)
sleep(or not)
work....boring but nessecery
convince someone to go see kill bill(i got a plan fo dis')
buy scanner/printer combo(fry trips are fun

not to kill fellow co-workers(hardest part of the day)
play some disgaea(must...play...game..)
sleep(or not)
nothing happening with me at all except my leg is still hurting like all hell. i can't play capoeira and i can't really even pop.... i must go back to the doctor soon and get more drugs..grrrr

finished my book (winter'a heart:wheel of time series book 9) and cleaned more stuff out fo my computer. Really productive weekend(not really)...but my leg is finally feeling a little better, so maybe next week i can get back to playing capoeira(i hate spelling that word) .... i need more books to read before the next wot book comes out in paperback...anybody have any suggestions?
damn skippy i played it at the pac man, a couple of years ago they got rid of it,I asked where it went and may i buy it, they wouldn't tell me, I tried to beat it out of the change monkey, i failed. Now i no longer patronize that crack den. except when i need my galaga fix.
book suggestion : time of the warlock, or the magic goes away both by larry niven, a little hard to find, but definately worth it
book suggestion : time of the warlock, or the magic goes away both by larry niven, a little hard to find, but definately worth it
another bored weekend playing too many games...

akane chan no pantie!
wow...i havn't posted in here....for many moons...but it's my b-day and i've decided to be more outgoing again and maybe actaully talking to some people....anyway happy bady to me....
Happy birthday!!! 

just had to say you're a pimp for knowing outfoxies. Fear the monkey.
i got reason today
.....happy happy day...and many sleepless nites getting these crazy songs out of my head
(i'll still wondering how they got in there in the first place??)
now if only i could get the money for a virus c??!?!?!

(i'll still wondering how they got in there in the first place??)
now if only i could get the money for a virus c??!?!?!

finally started my dreads....life sux a little less...this weekend should and probby will be sent cleaning, playing games, and being generally anti-social....
yay for anti-social...ness?!?
yay for anti-social...ness?!?

Dreads are the best, you will be be happy with them
i've started talking to my friends if the east coast again....they are so cool...i miss them alot....maybe i need to take another trip...
vacations r fun....
vacations r fun....
i gotta take a vacation...i really am about to jump across my table at work and kill somebody..... need to get away, i think i'll take friday off... then i can actually go out on halloween..bonus!!!
that is it for my boring life..bye bye...
that is it for my boring life..bye bye...
Hahaha sounds like MY life....heh..
oh yeah.....and your pic kicks ass!