Wow, I get back from New York and I find myself being in posession of an SG subscription! Needless to say, the Hapfairy is very happy...
And if this AND an amazing trip to NY wasn't enough, I find out Ben is buying me a new corset for Valentine's Day - I think I'm in love all over again! Now all I have to do is pick which colour. Black... red... pink... this could take a while. I might have to take more money and buy two!
Geez, me and corsets. When will I ever learn.
And if this AND an amazing trip to NY wasn't enough, I find out Ben is buying me a new corset for Valentine's Day - I think I'm in love all over again! Now all I have to do is pick which colour. Black... red... pink... this could take a while. I might have to take more money and buy two!
Geez, me and corsets. When will I ever learn.
