Just another day spend dreaming, and wondering where I am or have gone. Cold hours just rest on my shoulders along with the weight of keeping it together once and for all. I am already out of breath and your lips are just a pressure on me with a bad taste. Remember, I don't want you but I know that I am consumed by my appetite of having you next to my skin. It makes me believe I love you. I know you care for me, and I feel sad that you have to taste the one before you on my lips. My sickness is here to for the remainder of the time, yours and mine. I savor the flavor of compassion as I had before but only strangers can offer me what I don't know , only love can own me...true love. I am your typical hopless romantic, the fisher man who catches the wrong fish. I feel for you, and your troubles.. One person who bears this curse bares the weight of his own concious, and the sorrows of his tears. I know that I need to go, but I feel worse that you will not discover me, even when I opened the hollow crack of my heart.
Hanz the king of pirates
Hanz the king of pirates