Damn it feels as if I have not written in a while... Well, I ended up getting my pirate ship started and most of my arm sleeved up already. It is completely lined and ready for the final round in about a week and a half.
I also ended up fixing my car for some trade work with my neighbor, so no more foot action express. No car feels shitty. I also ended up running into a few people I use to date yesterday which is always pretty cool. One of the girls I saw wanted to go out again, which is really cool. I am not sure if I really want to, being that she kind of gets on my nerves, but at least she is good looking. Since I have my car back I am ready to head out the all those rockabilly, psychobilly shows. Dude, I have been dying here at home. I guess it is O.K. because I got a lot of what I need to get done, done. Well, I will talk with you kids later.
Take care and God bless

Take care and God bless

Come to the one this Sunday at the Venture Theater, i'll be the girl in the g-string and nipple tassels with "balls" tattood on my chin.