Well, I am actually up this morning and ready to take on the day. I am actually heading out to Mt Sac so I can sign up for this Russian languge course. Fuck that language is so bad ass. I know a little but I want to be fluent.
Yesterday me and my buddy ended up going to starbucks. It was actually kind of funny because my buddy tried hitting on one of the workers there and she flat out told him after he was done talking "I cant wait to watch the laker game with my boyfriend" I have never seen a conversation end faster than that. It was dead!!
We both ended up laughing he could not believe it. but thats life.
I also have come to a realization about my work and people in general. PEOPLE DO NOT LIKE TO HEAR IT LIKE IT IS!!! I found this out at work..they at least made it clear. It seems that I am a very blunt person....not rude, just blunt. Well, I will say this to that if you don't like honesty then don't ask for it. If you want to sugar coat something then go ask a phoney person for there opinion. it is better to be honest then knowing your full of shit.
Well, take care and I will write back soon and put pics in my gallery.
Take care and God bless,
Yesterday me and my buddy ended up going to starbucks. It was actually kind of funny because my buddy tried hitting on one of the workers there and she flat out told him after he was done talking "I cant wait to watch the laker game with my boyfriend" I have never seen a conversation end faster than that. It was dead!!

I also have come to a realization about my work and people in general. PEOPLE DO NOT LIKE TO HEAR IT LIKE IT IS!!! I found this out at work..they at least made it clear. It seems that I am a very blunt person....not rude, just blunt. Well, I will say this to that if you don't like honesty then don't ask for it. If you want to sugar coat something then go ask a phoney person for there opinion. it is better to be honest then knowing your full of shit.

Well, take care and I will write back soon and put pics in my gallery.
Take care and God bless,
* imagining the hottie speakin sweet russian nuthins in her ears * Ahhhhh yeeeea'....