fuck yea! I just got out of work and fuck am I tired and ready to work again. The pieces I have been putting out have been godly...wait...no...I got it!!! SUPER GODLY!! Not to mention the ladies who have been coming in. Anyhow, I have yet to write as much as I use to before, but I will be sure to write at least a nice little detailed story of my little lifes adventures. Plus I think I need to change the picture because a new neck tattoo is coming on soon, plus... my haircut looks ri-coculous in the photo. I need to let the mohawk and shop pics flow litte juice of my tongue.
Talk with you laters homie
Hanz The King of Pirates
P.S. call me an idiot for hurling a massive flower pot through my car widow.... drinking + locking keys in the car + desperation = HANZ THROWING A HUGE POT THROUGH HIS CAR WINDOW!!
Talk with you laters homie
Hanz The King of Pirates

P.S. call me an idiot for hurling a massive flower pot through my car widow.... drinking + locking keys in the car + desperation = HANZ THROWING A HUGE POT THROUGH HIS CAR WINDOW!!
I will make you wear the glasses and you will like it