I had spent the great light of my day rigorously pondering the questions of what I should be feeling or thinking with open arms. The only overwhelming flood of sensation that I savored was the nothing of thoughts infusing my body down to the very skin. A personal discovery made tremendous by the hollow my heart occupied, or better yet its permanent home. Was it the murder of me by the great I that lived day in and day out ravaging where I would find it? Alas, my body never stops to find where it desires feel or thinking of what it is suppose to Whatever that means? I have just felt it more gently to feed the menace that breaths the feel good message of lingering hope to flood a false deed I seek deep inside. I am human for the most part. The consuming need to please my inner most perverse self that I am. A variety my thirst not wants, but needs. Guilty I was made to be, never to reach for the innocence offered to me with soothing hands, but never erotic, not passionate. A drug that washes the very person drowned by desire. I surrender To GREED, I surrender to WANT and I give up to an expired fantasy of a perfect life that has haunted me more than a cursed ghost.......I SURRENDER! This mind never remembered where exactly it forfeited the ideal of true love, for the reality of loving lust.
Hanz The King of Pirates

P.S. Fuck I am turned on.