What have I been up to? Putting on winter weight, eating all this wicked food! Thats what!
I have started playing a game called ingress if your not playing it check it out on the app/play store. Its pretty gnarly
Have been reading a gang of comics, Hacktivist, All new Daredevil, Fear it self, Saga and so much more, if you have any suggestions please let me know so I can check them out. Ill read anything!!
When you get a chance check out Guardians of the Galaxy it is by far the best Marvel movie yet! Rocket steals the show. Every time he comes on screen he steals it. So wicked.
About to check out Lucy tonight, reviews are saying its strong.
Have picked up a Wii U add me so we can play Mario Kart 8 Hansoloai
Add me on Xbox live as well Han Soloai
I hope every thing is every thing!
Check out the beard the photo it self is a few weeks old, but it really brings out the eyes lol
P.S if you do decide to play Ingress choose enlightened.
Will be in Melbourne in September, if you like to drink hit me up.