Well, in great Murphy's Law, it seems I have met some one, she has red hair, she is about 5'11 and she is beautiful and awesome, and she get's me. I also work with her, we started talking at the Christmas party, then started emailing after that, we went to the same place for New Years, I sorta fuxd that up, I drank the entire drive, then we were texting when I got there, and she wanted to come over, I was like sweet. I was fully ripped, I can't remember what happen, but when I checked my phone it said, text me when you're sober.... Not the best way to start a relationship.. If there even is one there.
Then when we got back to Auckland we started texting again... and Have grown kinda close, she loves my hand writing (ill post of pic of it in the blog), so I got her some of those candy watches (inside joke) and wrote her a mini letter and left them on her car. Since then we have been texting, and sexting (is that what the kids are calling it?) going out for lunch.... I really like this chick..
This also means, what about Brisbane? I haven't told her, I don't want to tell her, because I would stay just for her, to see where it leads, you know how you have a feeling, like a good feeling about something. I have that feeling. I would be willing to stay just to see where it goes. I haven't told my best friend yet, that I might not be coming. I just think it's too soon, I don't want to DTR (define the relationship). I am happy to just wing it... I figure, Brisbane will always be there. I don't want to ask my self what if, a couple of years down the track...
So thats where I am at this point, don't know but I am pretty happy, I smile when I get a text from her and she makes me laugh...
She is away for a week, and have been pretty bored, going to the gym, living, working, stuff like that. We normally talk on a daily basis, and I didn't notice how much time that took up, so I have been trying to pass the time by reading comics and watching T.V like the New Girl and Whitney, am currently watching Lord of The Rings as I type... I said, I'd write her a letter, 3 letters. While she was away, and send them through the post... you know something to look forward to when she gets back... I may even write her a poem, I have been known to write poems from time to time when I have been bored and happen to have a pen in my hand......
But yeah... Whats every one else been up to?
As for me, prepare for some really shitty photos to see what and where I've been regulating this festive season... A lot of me watching T.V and playing games...
I broke some jandals
Drank a fair bit, haven't had a drink since the 2nd though...
Went to the family batch for new years...
Weather was pretty shite, but I had good company...
Recovering New Years day... New jandals...
Beach in Auckland.... One of the finer days we have had...
Watched Warrior, new favorite movie
Watched Robocop..... Whats your name? *Robocop voice* Murphy....
Been playing a lot of Dungeon Defenders... wicked awesome game
Got some Planking done.
Got to spend time with the Princess
Watched some more T.V... R.E.D
We now have a new tradition in our group of friends... we call it safe travel panties....
You hang them from your rear view mirror when you leave point A and don't take them off till you get to point B, these are from an EX of mine, they happen to be in my boot when we left Auckland as a joke I hung them up and they were an instant hit...
And that's about it, my mum lands on the 24th of February for my nieces 1st Birthday, I got a couple of weddings in march, so ill grace this blog with pictures of me in a suit pretending to be James Bond Jr... does any one remember that cartoon? But that's about it... I'm happy, happier than I normally am... Which is always wicked awesome...
Oh before I forget here is a quick pick of my hand writing...
And a nip shot... OOOOOOOOO
Before I do go, I am going to leave you with my current favorite poem....
Kisses kept are wasted;
Love is to be tasted.
There are some you love, I know;
Be not loath to tell them so.
Lips go dry and eyes grow wet Waiting to be warmly met,
Keep them not in waiting yet; Kisses kept are wasted.
Edmund Vance Cooke, Kisses Kept Are Wasted
I hope every one's start of the year has start awesomely!
Lots of love
Well, in great Murphy's Law, it seems I have met some one, she has red hair, she is about 5'11 and she is beautiful and awesome, and she get's me. I also work with her, we started talking at the Christmas party, then started emailing after that, we went to the same place for New Years, I sorta fuxd that up, I drank the entire drive, then we were texting when I got there, and she wanted to come over, I was like sweet. I was fully ripped, I can't remember what happen, but when I checked my phone it said, text me when you're sober.... Not the best way to start a relationship.. If there even is one there.
Then when we got back to Auckland we started texting again... and Have grown kinda close, she loves my hand writing (ill post of pic of it in the blog), so I got her some of those candy watches (inside joke) and wrote her a mini letter and left them on her car. Since then we have been texting, and sexting (is that what the kids are calling it?) going out for lunch.... I really like this chick..
This also means, what about Brisbane? I haven't told her, I don't want to tell her, because I would stay just for her, to see where it leads, you know how you have a feeling, like a good feeling about something. I have that feeling. I would be willing to stay just to see where it goes. I haven't told my best friend yet, that I might not be coming. I just think it's too soon, I don't want to DTR (define the relationship). I am happy to just wing it... I figure, Brisbane will always be there. I don't want to ask my self what if, a couple of years down the track...
So thats where I am at this point, don't know but I am pretty happy, I smile when I get a text from her and she makes me laugh...
She is away for a week, and have been pretty bored, going to the gym, living, working, stuff like that. We normally talk on a daily basis, and I didn't notice how much time that took up, so I have been trying to pass the time by reading comics and watching T.V like the New Girl and Whitney, am currently watching Lord of The Rings as I type... I said, I'd write her a letter, 3 letters. While she was away, and send them through the post... you know something to look forward to when she gets back... I may even write her a poem, I have been known to write poems from time to time when I have been bored and happen to have a pen in my hand......
But yeah... Whats every one else been up to?
As for me, prepare for some really shitty photos to see what and where I've been regulating this festive season... A lot of me watching T.V and playing games...
I broke some jandals

Drank a fair bit, haven't had a drink since the 2nd though...


Went to the family batch for new years...

Weather was pretty shite, but I had good company...

Recovering New Years day... New jandals...

Beach in Auckland.... One of the finer days we have had...

Watched Warrior, new favorite movie

Watched Robocop..... Whats your name? *Robocop voice* Murphy....

Been playing a lot of Dungeon Defenders... wicked awesome game

Got some Planking done.

Got to spend time with the Princess

Watched some more T.V... R.E.D

We now have a new tradition in our group of friends... we call it safe travel panties....

You hang them from your rear view mirror when you leave point A and don't take them off till you get to point B, these are from an EX of mine, they happen to be in my boot when we left Auckland as a joke I hung them up and they were an instant hit...
And that's about it, my mum lands on the 24th of February for my nieces 1st Birthday, I got a couple of weddings in march, so ill grace this blog with pictures of me in a suit pretending to be James Bond Jr... does any one remember that cartoon? But that's about it... I'm happy, happier than I normally am... Which is always wicked awesome...
Oh before I forget here is a quick pick of my hand writing...

And a nip shot... OOOOOOOOO

Before I do go, I am going to leave you with my current favorite poem....
Kisses kept are wasted;
Love is to be tasted.
There are some you love, I know;
Be not loath to tell them so.
Lips go dry and eyes grow wet Waiting to be warmly met,
Keep them not in waiting yet; Kisses kept are wasted.
Edmund Vance Cooke, Kisses Kept Are Wasted
I hope every one's start of the year has start awesomely!
Lots of love
hurt so incredibly bad haha
Awe thanks man. So how's it going with the lady?