What's up? So it's been a while since I put a bit of effort into this blog, have been so busy as of late, gaming, living, partying, moving. I type this blog from the garage of my brothers house.. It's cozy... and I always have a visitor in the morning. Keelan likes to come in and tell me to get up...
131 days till I move to Brisbane.. So hyped, can't wait.
One thing I notice whilst moving this past weekend and it was I have far too many DVD's

Far to many, I have decided to part with them because there is no way I am taking them with me. Could you imagine if they were DVD's?
Games I have finished
Batman AC
Modern Warfare 3
Zelda: Skyward Sword
Games I gave up on
Dark Souls
Games I didnt even bother trying to play
TV I have watched recently
Awkward (guilty pleasure)
Hawaii Five-0
I finally got a new phone, I went with the Samsung Galaxy S2, the only downfall is the all the damn cool phone covers are on the iPhone 4... So I went with this bright red cover... I can't put on screen covers to save my life so it has a number of air bubbles on it. But all and all I am tre happy with it.
Who wants to see something cute?
Other than that whats every one been up to?
I am currently watching Clerks 2...
Some of you are probably wondering why I gave up on Dark Souls...
Well it started when my Xbox red ringed on me, I had 50k worth of souls and it went blank, I looked down and saw 3 blinking lights... I was like WTF... why me? I was pacing my bedroom in my underwear thinking why, why me? what did I do to deserve this? At that point I decided it was a sign for me not to play that stinking game.... I continued with Dead Island...
Who's finished their Christmas shopping?
I am heading to Whangamata for new years.... its going to be so dope, one last hurrah before I get out of here.. cannot. wait.
But that's about it, not much to see here.
What have I missed? whats every one been up to?
New Favorite song....
And I'm out....
Would you fuck me? Id fuck me, Id fuck me hard...
as for me...yup I will be hugging myself too. Cheers lol