Oh HAI guys!
I got some more work done on my leg, its not the best picture but it will suffice till I get back from my travels!
I probably won't be on here for a week and a bit, I probably wont have that much photos apart from the ones taken from my cell phone...
Here is the ink I got on my cover up... I think another layer of ink when I get back and it should be fully gone... hopefully. Never let a family member tattoo you!
I'm on the red eye to Brisbane, I have to be at the AKL airport at 3am, so I'm not sleeping at all, I'm just going to wing it and stay up and play GOW 3, when I come back i'll pick up RAGE! October means I get to stack up games to play..... no fun. at. all! I will have to juggle my study time and game playing, I may even just cut out my drinking all together, so I have more time.
Whats every one else been up to?
Oh Tovi gave me a testimonial, I didn't even see it in my news feed! Talk about making ones day...
Such a top chick! I'll have to think about one for her on my travels...
Please send some positive vibes to Comic_Guy the dude has a cancerous mass on his spine and is going for an op on the 19th....
I'm out!
Will miss you all
P.S here is Catflap's gif!
I got some more work done on my leg, its not the best picture but it will suffice till I get back from my travels!
I probably won't be on here for a week and a bit, I probably wont have that much photos apart from the ones taken from my cell phone...
Here is the ink I got on my cover up... I think another layer of ink when I get back and it should be fully gone... hopefully. Never let a family member tattoo you!

I'm on the red eye to Brisbane, I have to be at the AKL airport at 3am, so I'm not sleeping at all, I'm just going to wing it and stay up and play GOW 3, when I come back i'll pick up RAGE! October means I get to stack up games to play..... no fun. at. all! I will have to juggle my study time and game playing, I may even just cut out my drinking all together, so I have more time.
Whats every one else been up to?
Oh Tovi gave me a testimonial, I didn't even see it in my news feed! Talk about making ones day...
Such a top chick! I'll have to think about one for her on my travels...
Please send some positive vibes to Comic_Guy the dude has a cancerous mass on his spine and is going for an op on the 19th....
I'm out!
Will miss you all
P.S here is Catflap's gif!

stay safe and keep it real....
*makes gang pose*