Screwed the pooch at my job today, fucked that shit right up... I could possibly be moving to Australia sooner than I thought. I have a plan in place though, Should I loose my job, I will be procuring a job in the mines in Sydney 6 hours away from the central coast.. So haven't done manual labour in years,
I have tons of sick leave, so I'll have to procure a med cert for stress leave, so I can use it all up before they let me go. I've been meaning to get one for a while now as I have actually been stressed.
I'm not even fazed though, I don't enjoy my job anymore, its just not as fun as it used to be, I was walking to the dairy and was thinking If I should get hit by a slow car, I should be able to get a couple of months off work, not that I would..
My brother knew I was a tad depressed so he decided to make me smile and laugh by doing his impressions
of Davy Jones.. You know, Bootstrap Bill You're a Liar!
And another of my personal favorites.
That scene at the Beginning of The Green Hornet.
SO awesome! James Franco kills it, and Christoph Waltz is awesome.
Its meant to be at the end of the scene, Waltz kills the henchmen and then goes is my gun not scary? I swear to god, it makes me smile every time..
Then once he did his I started doing mine.
I do this if I feel like dancing...
Its amazing how much shit we talk in the span of an hour or so. Catching up on what went down and stuff and just talking shit.
Anyways back to some more gaming related news!
How awesome does Gears Of War 3 look!? check out the new horde video below, go to the FB page and like it and get the character voiced by Ice T, how awesome is that? I can't wait for this game. It looks siiiiiiick! I hope I can play with some of you COGS!
I'm out!
P.S Top_Cat Said cunt in his blog!
P.S.S My Hair is the longest its ever been EVER!
I have tons of sick leave, so I'll have to procure a med cert for stress leave, so I can use it all up before they let me go. I've been meaning to get one for a while now as I have actually been stressed.
I'm not even fazed though, I don't enjoy my job anymore, its just not as fun as it used to be, I was walking to the dairy and was thinking If I should get hit by a slow car, I should be able to get a couple of months off work, not that I would..
My brother knew I was a tad depressed so he decided to make me smile and laugh by doing his impressions
of Davy Jones.. You know, Bootstrap Bill You're a Liar!
And another of my personal favorites.
That scene at the Beginning of The Green Hornet.
SO awesome! James Franco kills it, and Christoph Waltz is awesome.
Its meant to be at the end of the scene, Waltz kills the henchmen and then goes is my gun not scary? I swear to god, it makes me smile every time..
Then once he did his I started doing mine.
I do this if I feel like dancing...
Its amazing how much shit we talk in the span of an hour or so. Catching up on what went down and stuff and just talking shit.
Anyways back to some more gaming related news!
How awesome does Gears Of War 3 look!? check out the new horde video below, go to the FB page and like it and get the character voiced by Ice T, how awesome is that? I can't wait for this game. It looks siiiiiiick! I hope I can play with some of you COGS!
I'm out!
P.S Top_Cat Said cunt in his blog!
P.S.S My Hair is the longest its ever been EVER!

ps: i'll need somebody to help me play GOW3s campaign on insane
Work is what takes up most of our time day in and say our. If you're not happy I say move on. Life is too short to be miserable.