Hows every ones Saturday going? My night is going pretty stink.. Just catching up on True Blood season 3 as Season 4 starts on Sunday in America, and torrent sites will light up Monday. I love the series especially the young red headed vampire played by Deborah Ann Woll, I don't know what it is but red hair..

Remember when I said I was going to be on television? well it was pretty anticlimactic.. One of my other cohorts keen to get on television was in the shot, she has a purple fringe and glasses...
If you would like to see the video in its entirety click here..My 1 second of fame
If you want to skip that and see me now click below...
suffice it to say, the fame did not go to my head...
My Friday Night
My Friday night was off the chain, we drank and then drank some more.. stumbled home and passed out, I was so drunk I said to my brother to put me in the recovery position if I happen to pass out on my back, the reason being was
A few months back, I was partying hard at a friends house and we all went to get ready for bed, you know as you do when you see the sun and run out of alcohol, a couple of hours later I'm choking in my dreams and I'm not waking up. I somehow realize this and wake up to me vomiting. I swear to god I had an angel watching over me that night.... True story..
Back to Friday night, I was rather impressed with my brother, he's a bit of a late bloomer. He's not a ugly dude by a long shot, see picture:
He just lacks a bit of confidence and swagger. He gave his number to a chick, who he had been trying to talk to for weeks, her name is Meg, I call her Megatron I even say it in Startscreams voice when I see her. So he offered to buy her a drink, there was a short exchange of words, then she walked off. He was hyped because she accepted his number. Fast forward a couple of hours through the night and he see's her sitting there looking for a lighter he offered she obliged him, then totally ignored him.
His confidence was a bit shaken, I told him not to worry about it she either will text you or wont text you. Just play it cool. Also to never buy a chick a drink when you've just met her. Thats the point where we started drinking heavily and where every thing goes blurry. I do remember that I almost got kicked out of the bar because I asked the bar tender what the t stood for on her necklace. The look of disgust on her face was hilarious, if you don't know by now, I tend to say a lot of stupid things when I'm drunk, but who doesn't?
I paid for it today though, I went to work hungover it was pretty tough, but I'm a tough guy.. I mean it was pretty hard watching season 2 of The Star Wards Clone Wars.. 1st world dilemmas...
Anywhooo its 0113 and it is soooo cold, don't you hate it when your warm one side of the bed up and turn to the other side and its freezing cold?
Stay safe guys