Whats gangsta?
Well I'm on the home stretch now, 1 more day and that is my 11 days done and dusted... like a BAWSE if you ask me...
Green Lantern in 24 hours! WHOOO, I talked to a friend who got invited to the NZ premier and said it was pretty awesome! Mark Strong pulls off a solid performance as Sinestro and the movie is pretty light on the comedy, I have also been informed that you should wait till after the credits roll. There are also some nods towards GL fans...
its a good year for comic book movies...
Then after that we got,
Transformers, then Captain America: The First Avenger...
I was talking to my nephew today and, because I haven't seen him in a couple of days I thought I would buy him something. I asked him what he would like, and because recently he has gotten into a lot of little boy stuff like Transformers and Ben 10, stuff which I love watching on a Saturday mornings. He said he wanted an omnitrix (the watch Ben Tennyson wears on the Ben 10 Cartoon that turns him into wicked awesome monsters) I said yeah man, I can swing that... Then he goes, do you think you could find me the real omnitrix, you know the one that turns him into those guys. I told him I would try my best...
Its small things like these that make life so much more awesome, I feel so blessed sometimes, he is such a smart little kid, He will never know what sort of light he brings to my life some times...
On top of that, I have been organizing my brothers 21st.. He doesnt want a stripper there, I was like whatttt he was like yeah. I was thinking what a trying to impress a girl kindofaguy.. He has always been interested in Asian girls.. for some reason, don't get me wrong, I'm a any port in a storm kindofaguy and my current flavor at this point in time is red heads.. I don't know why but they just rock my boat..
So there will be no stripper, but there will be strip clubs, I will get him so legless he will pass out mid lap dance...
And that's about it.. Stay safe who ever reads this! I hope things are on the up and up for you all!
I cant stop listening to this..... reminds me of the bond I have with my kid brother...
Its pretty awesome song, I have no idea what he's singing but it sounds awesome...
Well I'm on the home stretch now, 1 more day and that is my 11 days done and dusted... like a BAWSE if you ask me...
Green Lantern in 24 hours! WHOOO, I talked to a friend who got invited to the NZ premier and said it was pretty awesome! Mark Strong pulls off a solid performance as Sinestro and the movie is pretty light on the comedy, I have also been informed that you should wait till after the credits roll. There are also some nods towards GL fans...
its a good year for comic book movies...
Then after that we got,
Transformers, then Captain America: The First Avenger...
I was talking to my nephew today and, because I haven't seen him in a couple of days I thought I would buy him something. I asked him what he would like, and because recently he has gotten into a lot of little boy stuff like Transformers and Ben 10, stuff which I love watching on a Saturday mornings. He said he wanted an omnitrix (the watch Ben Tennyson wears on the Ben 10 Cartoon that turns him into wicked awesome monsters) I said yeah man, I can swing that... Then he goes, do you think you could find me the real omnitrix, you know the one that turns him into those guys. I told him I would try my best...
Its small things like these that make life so much more awesome, I feel so blessed sometimes, he is such a smart little kid, He will never know what sort of light he brings to my life some times...

On top of that, I have been organizing my brothers 21st.. He doesnt want a stripper there, I was like whatttt he was like yeah. I was thinking what a trying to impress a girl kindofaguy.. He has always been interested in Asian girls.. for some reason, don't get me wrong, I'm a any port in a storm kindofaguy and my current flavor at this point in time is red heads.. I don't know why but they just rock my boat..
So there will be no stripper, but there will be strip clubs, I will get him so legless he will pass out mid lap dance...
And that's about it.. Stay safe who ever reads this! I hope things are on the up and up for you all!
I cant stop listening to this..... reminds me of the bond I have with my kid brother...
Its pretty awesome song, I have no idea what he's singing but it sounds awesome...
i know what you mean about wearing them!!
i do this horrible thing with new shoes tho....
i hate them looking new. i'll wear them daily till they look a bit worn and old.
a game of football or two, that normally does the trick. so i CERTAINLY better not get the Maiden shoes!
as for the exercise and diet?
good at the moment thanks. i ran on day one, some Tabata exercises yesterday. i was gonna run today but its PISSING down...so more Tabata!