Saturday night and I'm in bed by 9... whatttt
I was going to go out but I cant be bothered getting ready to look respectable. So I decided to watch The Big Bang with Antonio Banderas... Its pretty awesome!
I watched Green Lantern Emerald Knights last night, it's pretty solid, my tickets are booked for Green Lantern on Wednesday midnight session. I don't know if its going to be WOW like X Men: First Class, but one can only hope.
Well E3 Has been and gone, how awesome was that?
Below are some of my favorite trailers I cannot stop watching...
I'm hyper excited for this, the series has come a long way since it started and it can only get better
HALO 4.... Whatttttt I didn't expect to see this but it was a surprise. Im in it for the story... what did he put on his gun at the end?
Overstrike has me excited, because it looks pretty awesome, but ill wait till I see some gameplay footage before I'm excited.
Star Wars: The Old Republic! I love these trailer, I wont be playing the game, but I love these.. Its not the best out of them all, but it still rocks, they need movies like these.
The below videos did play at E3 2011
This is the second best trailer from Star Wars: The Old Republic...
And my all time favorite..
In other news in the world of Shaun, my tattoo got cancelled, whattttt I saw that coming, apparently he can do it next week when he settles in... I'm not counting on it though, what I will be doing though is looking elsewhere this shit is getting old.
I'm about to play some Duke Nukem now as but before I do here is something to put a smile on your face.
My nephew and niece... <3
Stay safe and have a sweet weekend, the weather in NZ sucks right now... so enjoy your summer.
I was going to go out but I cant be bothered getting ready to look respectable. So I decided to watch The Big Bang with Antonio Banderas... Its pretty awesome!
I watched Green Lantern Emerald Knights last night, it's pretty solid, my tickets are booked for Green Lantern on Wednesday midnight session. I don't know if its going to be WOW like X Men: First Class, but one can only hope.
Well E3 Has been and gone, how awesome was that?
Below are some of my favorite trailers I cannot stop watching...
I'm hyper excited for this, the series has come a long way since it started and it can only get better
HALO 4.... Whatttttt I didn't expect to see this but it was a surprise. Im in it for the story... what did he put on his gun at the end?
Overstrike has me excited, because it looks pretty awesome, but ill wait till I see some gameplay footage before I'm excited.
Star Wars: The Old Republic! I love these trailer, I wont be playing the game, but I love these.. Its not the best out of them all, but it still rocks, they need movies like these.
The below videos did play at E3 2011
This is the second best trailer from Star Wars: The Old Republic...
And my all time favorite..
In other news in the world of Shaun, my tattoo got cancelled, whattttt I saw that coming, apparently he can do it next week when he settles in... I'm not counting on it though, what I will be doing though is looking elsewhere this shit is getting old.
I'm about to play some Duke Nukem now as but before I do here is something to put a smile on your face.

My nephew and niece... <3
Stay safe and have a sweet weekend, the weather in NZ sucks right now... so enjoy your summer.
a movie would be nice also!