Things I have to look forward to this week... First I have She Wants Revenge tickets for tomorrow and Thursday. I can't wait to see them again. They are GREAT live!!! Second I am packing all my stuff up for my move to Canada. So that's a lot of work but I look forward to a new life with my husband in a different country. Third is my man gets here on Saturday for our big drive on Monday. We are doing the trip in 6 days. Nothing like a road trip across the country to add to the memory book. Last is that I will finally never have to be apart from the love of my life again. That is what excites me the most. Its crazy to find such happiness. I am truly blessed to have found the one person that is my equal and that truly loves me for me. Its such a great feeling.
So, I will be offline for about 2 weeks. I will catch back up in June. I wanted to wish everyone a Happy Memorial Day!!! Take care. XoXo
So, I will be offline for about 2 weeks. I will catch back up in June. I wanted to wish everyone a Happy Memorial Day!!! Take care. XoXo
Frohe Weihnachten 

You are so damn sexy kitten, it blows my mind. Will you have my babies? xoxo