Is not religion, it is the search for truth through a rather rigorous robust and difficult series of tests that must be confirmed and re-confirmed with exact results duplicated with exact conditions replicated.
When a spiritual "new age" self help program touts positive thinking as a way to physically alter the universe using a "scientific law"..................................................... it lying.
Actual hard science shows no relation between your will and the altering of the universe, Now if you think positively and work toward a goal you will most likely see results, If you do please understand that it had nothing to do with the force or some other Quasi-voodoo science-like product. It was your actions guided by your conscious acts and your sub conscious mind.
Here is a link to a skeptics publication.......Enjoy!!!!
Is not religion, it is the search for truth through a rather rigorous robust and difficult series of tests that must be confirmed and re-confirmed with exact results duplicated with exact conditions replicated.
When a spiritual "new age" self help program touts positive thinking as a way to physically alter the universe using a "scientific law"..................................................... it lying.
Actual hard science shows no relation between your will and the altering of the universe, Now if you think positively and work toward a goal you will most likely see results, If you do please understand that it had nothing to do with the force or some other Quasi-voodoo science-like product. It was your actions guided by your conscious acts and your sub conscious mind.
Here is a link to a skeptics publication.......Enjoy!!!!

You were missed greatly during the visit to Vancouver by that wife of yours. Plus she was off her usual game. I didn't even throw up.
sorry. Next time for sure