I posted some pictures from my most recent trip...I'm quite proud of how the sunset came out at the Brandenburg Gate smile
mostly or something.
This has been one of those nutty weekends. Charles and I went to the Sliver Fox on Thursday and Saturday. Did you know JBX on California and Stockdale is open till 2 am on the weekends? hehe
Maybe it will be a "hotspot" for this shithole of a city. Come - on everybody, let's go have a beer at JBX! I can't even imagine.

I did have dinner there one night though, and it was actually very good. miao!!
JBX has Sierra Nevada Pale Ale!
Well, This is probably going to be my last update for a few weeks. I'm flying to Europe on the 5th and won't be back till MLK day. For the record: Im going to Berlin, Prague and Vienna.
Went to the Violent Femmes last night! biggrin Jen got me a hook up on the tickets from radio station she works at. She was a very nice date, I even got a peck on the cheek at the end of the night. ':kiss"
The concert was pretty awesome. The show was at the FOX which is one of my favorite venues in town. If for...
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i've never been too into them myself. i can't wait til unwritten law comes back though, as i've missed them the last two times they've been here.
Went to the Violent Femmes last night!!biggrin Jen got me a hook up on the tickets from radio station she works at. She was a very nice date, I even got a peck on the cheek at the end of the night. :kiss
The concert was pretty awesome. The show was at the FOX which is one of my favorite venues in town. If for...
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Went to the Violent Femmes last night!! Jen got me a hook up on the tickets from radio station she works at.
The concert was pretty awesome. The show was at the FOX which is one of my favorite venues in town. If for no other reason than all the Disney I saw there as a kid. The Femmes played all the usual stuff. Add...
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Transpersonal psychology
At this point I'm completely psyched out.. I have 30 days till my trip to Europe and 18 days till christmas. I have no idea what I am buying anyone. I need sleep.
I had an MRI of my brain done today. I have no idea what they found, if anything. I had ear plugs in my ears and sponges around my head to keep it from moving. All I can really say is it was LOUD. and not a good kind of loud either. eeek
I got a new computer at work today. fun fun fun. anyway. I'm had a good time on Satuday with my brother and sister-in-law. We had a good time working in the backyard. and I got three fence posts replaced.