This has been a really sucky Autumn so far! Too much rain. It's been raining later in the week and during the weekend for the last 4 weeks. This really blows!
I don't know maybe it's the rain but things all around have really sucked. My girls are driving me crazy! They aren't getting along too well at all. All they do is fight. I don't ever remember fighting with my brothers!
I'm falling asleep right now. I guess it's time for me to close this! Sorry for being so negative. I'm usually quite positive.
I don't know maybe it's the rain but things all around have really sucked. My girls are driving me crazy! They aren't getting along too well at all. All they do is fight. I don't ever remember fighting with my brothers!
I'm falling asleep right now. I guess it's time for me to close this! Sorry for being so negative. I'm usually quite positive.

I like the rain, you can lay in bed and the rain is falling down on the roof and you dont need an excuse for not going outside

i hate this time of year. not a big fan of winter either. more of a hot and sunny kind of gal