'The Garbage Pail Kids Movie' is on. Heh...
The house smells like cinnamon and is filled with fun xmas stuff....I love the season but I hate all the pressure behind it.
I've been walking around like a gimp for the past couple of days. I have conjunctivitis, so my eye is all swollen, red and just straight haggard. Blargh.
I've had to miss three days...
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The house smells like cinnamon and is filled with fun xmas stuff....I love the season but I hate all the pressure behind it.
I've been walking around like a gimp for the past couple of days. I have conjunctivitis, so my eye is all swollen, red and just straight haggard. Blargh.

I've had to miss three days...
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I'm so sick.
Christmas needs to hurry up and get over with so I can stop fretting about all the people that I cant buy anything for.
Also I'm insanely selfish and my parents spoil me way to much and I expect the world on the 25th and thats pathetic. *le sigh* All I really want is an autographed photo of bill moseley.
Christmas needs to hurry up and get over with so I can stop fretting about all the people that I cant buy anything for.
Also I'm insanely selfish and my parents spoil me way to much and I expect the world on the 25th and thats pathetic. *le sigh* All I really want is an autographed photo of bill moseley.
Fine, you get a medal for Uber lamest person of the week! I'm with you on x-mas getting over with. I don't expect too much, I told my parents to get me the Misfits boxed set. You know what's really good with celery? Lemon pepper, that shit rocks!

Jeezus christ it's fukn freezing!
Happy turkey day

I think my nose is okay now. Turkey day was good, hung with the fam. I'll check out Dillenger Escape Plan. Do you know what songs he collabed with them? I know he did a song with Bjork on Medulla. Mike Patton is the man, I'd totally go gay for him.

Argh! I need money!!
Anyway tho.-
*: I'm fiending for some cream cheese wontons.
*: I lost my septum ring last nite.
*: For some reason I cant find that movie "lair of the white worm" anywhere. le sigh...
*: Dumpsterdiving last nite produced some crazy shit. Old scary mannequin heads from a cosmetology class, a box of old Fangorias, an ancient make-up kit and...
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Anyway tho.-
*: I'm fiending for some cream cheese wontons.
*: I lost my septum ring last nite.
*: For some reason I cant find that movie "lair of the white worm" anywhere. le sigh...
*: Dumpsterdiving last nite produced some crazy shit. Old scary mannequin heads from a cosmetology class, a box of old Fangorias, an ancient make-up kit and...
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How cool would it be to be a flying squirrel? Unless you died and someone had to sccop you out of a pool. Other than that, think of the possiblilities! Don't worry, I'm comp-illiterate too. That's why I have myspace ( and I want to seem cooler)

DeFuniak is about an hour east of Pensacola. Ironically I have lair of the white worm. ATL sucks ass..too many crack heads dumpster diving...haha. Just kidding...I just found a speaker box with 2 10" subs in the dumpster the day before yestaday.

I'm tired of school....
I'm sick of not having any cash....
I'm irritated that I dont just grow my own weed...
I'm hungry!
I need to clean the house...
I need to feed the rats...
If I have to watch another "Re-Animator" movie tonite I think I'll poke my fuckin eyes out. [I've had to watch 'Re-Animator', 'Beyond Re-Animator' & 'Bride of re-Animator in...
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I'm tired of school....
I'm sick of not having any cash....
I'm irritated that I dont just grow my own weed...
I'm hungry!
I need to clean the house...
I need to feed the rats...
If I have to watch another "Re-Animator" movie tonite I think I'll poke my fuckin eyes out. [I've had to watch 'Re-Animator', 'Beyond Re-Animator' & 'Bride of re-Animator in...
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RE: Original Message
Hi! Thanks for the compliment on my son's hair. He was okay with the mohawk when it was first cut, but he doesn't like the maintanence.
He gets all pissy when I tell him it's time to shave the sides.
I ask him if he wants to let it grow back out and he says no, so... By the way, he's only five so he's not far from your son's age. He saw some pictures of mohawks and said he wanted one as soon as he saw a green one. I promised myself a long time ago that as long as my kids do well in school, I don't care how they choose to dress and do their hair and/or make up. It was always an issue between my parents and I when I was growing up so I didn't want to pull the same crap on my kids. I just don't see the harm in self expression. I fork out the dough to put my kids in a Montessori school just for that reason. They promote individualism. Anyway, welcome to SG! Talk to you soon.
P.S. Let me know if you need any help with posting pics or anything else.
Me @ DA!
[Edited on Nov 10, 2005 9:58AM]
Hi! Thanks for the compliment on my son's hair. He was okay with the mohawk when it was first cut, but he doesn't like the maintanence.

P.S. Let me know if you need any help with posting pics or anything else.
Me @ DA!
[Edited on Nov 10, 2005 9:58AM]
Hehe...school sucks ass and is draining every last bit of life from me.....good news is that I have a good job that pays well but I only take 2 classes at most because I work to much to do any more than that. So you have to remember that balancing work and school can be hard because you have to take your stress level into consideration. If you need weed get up with me
shit I'm not TOO far...lol

I got way too trashed the other nite. The dancers kept buying me drinks and I'm not one to say no to the ladies...I'm thinking about going back tonite.
I need to go get a haircut. I'm really starting to look like shit.
Fall has actually seemed to come to Florida. It was actually fucking cold last nite! I couldn't believe it. I need to...
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I need to go get a haircut. I'm really starting to look like shit.
Fall has actually seemed to come to Florida. It was actually fucking cold last nite! I couldn't believe it. I need to...
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My brain hurts.
I want to go out to arety's and get drunk and look at all the chicks...but i'm just way too lazy right now. And only the haggard ones dance during the day anyway.
I feel like I have to go out and force myself to have fun before I start school again on monday. I havent gone to school in almost three...
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I want to go out to arety's and get drunk and look at all the chicks...but i'm just way too lazy right now. And only the haggard ones dance during the day anyway.
I feel like I have to go out and force myself to have fun before I start school again on monday. I havent gone to school in almost three...
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omg...i cant believe i finally made it work.

[Edited on Dec 04, 2005 1:41PM]