So ive decided today that Im going back to school. Not getting my masters or anything, just going to take a few classes to get my brain working again. Its funny because when I was going to school all I wanted to do was graduate and get out. When I was sitting at graduation I totally reflected back on everything I was like damn, why was i in such a rush? I really just miss hanging out on campus and meeting all types of different people you wouldnt have the chance to meet anywhere else. I'll be honest with you, whenever im near SDSU these days, I kinda get teary eyed. Am I weird or what? Those were the best years of my life but I should look back on it as something special rather than getting all down on how much I miss it. I have so much more to look forward to in life. It came upon me this weekend that I feel as if I am happy again. These past 4 or so months have been the worst of my life. I was seriously in a dark hole and thought there was no way out. My girlfriend of almost 4 years broke up with me (randomly), my bestest friends I made at school moved away and I have been left all by myself. Its been good though, I find myself to be more open to meeting new people and that's also why Im deciding to go back to school. I really miss The Bay Area and all my friends up there as well. They are constantly asking when Im moving back. It's really hard to say on if I will ever move back. As much as I miss it there and everyone, I just dont think it would be a good decision at this time. I seriously need to figure myself out and find out what I was put on this planet for. I highly doubt it was for buying records. Im a simple guy just looking to live a simple life, but I know theirs something out there for me that I just havent discovered yet. Ok, now that im done with my sappy story, I would just like to say that I highly recommend picking up the new DFA compilation. I picked it up @ M-Theory yesterday and it's fantastic. If I were to throw a party in my little cube of an apartment I have, this album would definitly be the soundtrack. Hey, and how about those Chargers! It's nice to see San Diego getting all excited about something. Yeah, Im a Bears fan but im pulling for San Diego Super Chargers!
Don't worry, I know you will never move back to the Bay Area.
Dig your Occupation.