I just woke up from a nightmare where GA Senator Zell Miller was a mass murderer who was hiding bodies underneath his house. WTF?!?!?!?!? Scary shit. I'm totally not voting for that dude ever!!!
I figured since I was up that I'd go ahead and update my journal.
So I went to Jacksonville this week because my hours at work have been cut and I had a couple of days off. I saw a couple of shows. bought some new jeans that I really like......kind of an uneventfull trip. Tonight I get to be a third wheel on a date because my buddy is bringing some girl to my apt. to watch a movie because he still lives at home. hmm....looks like it's going to be an awkward night......oh well. Also I'm going to start coaching pop warner football this fall with my best friend. Our team of 7/8 year olds is going to slay the competition....(note to self: buy a whistle)
Well I'm still pretty tired and that's all I can think of right now.
'Till next time
Edited to say that the age group I'll be coaching is 7 AND 8 year olds.....not seven-eighths of a year olds....haha..."Yeah...he can really read that defense well, It's hard to believe he's only 10 months old!!"
I figured since I was up that I'd go ahead and update my journal.
So I went to Jacksonville this week because my hours at work have been cut and I had a couple of days off. I saw a couple of shows. bought some new jeans that I really like......kind of an uneventfull trip. Tonight I get to be a third wheel on a date because my buddy is bringing some girl to my apt. to watch a movie because he still lives at home. hmm....looks like it's going to be an awkward night......oh well. Also I'm going to start coaching pop warner football this fall with my best friend. Our team of 7/8 year olds is going to slay the competition....(note to self: buy a whistle)
Well I'm still pretty tired and that's all I can think of right now.
'Till next time
Edited to say that the age group I'll be coaching is 7 AND 8 year olds.....not seven-eighths of a year olds....haha..."Yeah...he can really read that defense well, It's hard to believe he's only 10 months old!!"
happy birthday babe.

'preciate it man.....buuuuuuuut it really does suck that you got punched in the f'n eye 2night on ur bday! whatta asshole! that guy's sooooo lucky that me and chase...and my whole f'n crew at the bar didnt see that. i wish i knew who it was!