Happy New Year!!! I hope everyone had a fantastic new year and found a special someone to kiss at midnight.I know I did. With a new slate avail for everyone for 2006, what is everyones' resolution. I know I plan on going back to the gym (I am paying 25.00 each month, damn if I should use it), plan my wedding date, live a little more luxorious lifestyle (I think I will buy myself an I-pod, GB Advance, GB DS, and several new phones (that is right, a parathesis within parathesis. New phones because I work for a cell phone company)), and other stuff. Nothing set in stone for a plan, but just like everyone else, I will make new plans by March.
Since most people tend to ignore their past new years resolutions, I will reminise (the spelling is way off, I am pretty sure). 2005 resolutions that came through were only one out of one, ask the love of my life to marry me. Done and done.
Since most people tend to ignore their past new years resolutions, I will reminise (the spelling is way off, I am pretty sure). 2005 resolutions that came through were only one out of one, ask the love of my life to marry me. Done and done.

i love you with all my heart.
thanks for having us for new years, we had a great time
hope to see you guys this weekend