Okay - this turned out to be a really long response but I'm okay with that. I had things to say and I felt as if I needed to tell you in my opinion you aren't part of the problem.
IMO porn has always existed. Why do I believe this? Adam and Eve, hormones weren't born yesterday, temptation, emotions, desire...etc. Do I believe that it will always exist? Yes. Do I support porn? Umm hello, I'm a member of a porn site. Do I think that there is a difference between the 'good guys' and the 'bad guys' yes. What I mean by that is, if by my own opinion I believe that porn is going to exist always then why not contribute to it in the best way possible?
I'm not going to get into what SG was/is now debate because that's not my point.
I'm a member here because I have a dirty side. Yeah, I said it, a dirty side. I like the naughty stuff just as much as the dude next to you (who isn't a right-wing reformist - although I do in fact believe that they too, have a dirty side). Okay maybe not as much as that dude but we're talking about my dirty side not his. Am I ashamed of this? No. If I was ashamed of this I wouldn't be open about it and to me that is truly degrading myself.
Do I believe that you are degrading, subjectifying women as that video has defined those words? No. Why do I believe this? You aren't forcing a woman to do anything that she hasn't agreed to do. You aren't posting something that says "If you don't look like this you aren't worthy". Is that open to interpretation? Absolutely.
There is a community here which is why I still choose to be a part of this porn site. It has taught me that the way that I feel about my body, the way feel about my sexual desire isn't wrong. This site has in fact helped me be less of a "slut". I feel less promiscuous than I did when I was in High School. I have a place where I can openly say things that I don't feel I could talk to about with say - my parents. I can be open about my sexuality, partners, problems, health and pretty much anything and everything else. That's why I support this place.
I don't have a problem with anyone who choses to be a part of the porn community. What I do have a problem with is when anyone holds (figuratively or not) a sign that says, "I'm a piece of meat, treat me like one". That is where I draw the line. I do not believe that this site has crossed that line or even really, come close to it.
If I want to post naked pictures of myself, of my body, or have someone take pictures of myself, my body that is my choice. I do not believe in doing so I am objectifying myself or degrading myself. I am human, I am a woman who likes feeling sexy. I am currently single and I am choosing to be that way not because I don't feel "worthy" but because I am simply not ready to be in the type of relationship I see myself having. I however do still have a sexual desire and sexual "needs" and guess what? I can fulfilling those desires those needs here. What my point is, is that as a woman in her early twenties I do not want younger women or even any woman to be ashamed of this and that's why I am an advocate. I want everyone everywhere to embrace their sexuality and let it empower them, not as if it's part of a "meat package" but that it's part of our humanity.
I want everyone everywhere to hold a sign, no matter what or who you are and have it say, "I am ____ I am sexy, I am human, I have a brain and I am empowered by this." And believe it.
IMO porn has always existed. Why do I believe this? Adam and Eve, hormones weren't born yesterday, temptation, emotions, desire...etc. Do I believe that it will always exist? Yes. Do I support porn? Umm hello, I'm a member of a porn site. Do I think that there is a difference between the 'good guys' and the 'bad guys' yes. What I mean by that is, if by my own opinion I believe that porn is going to exist always then why not contribute to it in the best way possible?
I'm not going to get into what SG was/is now debate because that's not my point.
I'm a member here because I have a dirty side. Yeah, I said it, a dirty side. I like the naughty stuff just as much as the dude next to you (who isn't a right-wing reformist - although I do in fact believe that they too, have a dirty side). Okay maybe not as much as that dude but we're talking about my dirty side not his
Do I believe that you are degrading, subjectifying women as that video has defined those words? No. Why do I believe this? You aren't forcing a woman to do anything that she hasn't agreed to do. You aren't posting something that says "If you don't look like this you aren't worthy". Is that open to interpretation? Absolutely.
There is a community here which is why I still choose to be a part of this porn site. It has taught me that the way that I feel about my body, the way feel about my sexual desire isn't wrong. This site has in fact helped me be less of a "slut". I feel less promiscuous than I did when I was in High School. I have a place where I can openly say things that I don't feel I could talk to about with say - my parents. I can be open about my sexuality, partners, problems, health and pretty much anything and everything else. That's why I support this place.
I don't have a problem with anyone who choses to be a part of the porn community. What I do have a problem with is when anyone holds (figuratively or not) a sign that says, "I'm a piece of meat, treat me like one". That is where I draw the line. I do not believe that this site has crossed that line or even really, come close to it.
If I want to post naked pictures of myself, of my body, or have someone take pictures of myself, my body that is my choice. I do not believe in doing so I am objectifying myself or degrading myself. I am human, I am a woman who likes feeling sexy. I am currently single and I am choosing to be that way not because I don't feel "worthy" but because I am simply not ready to be in the type of relationship I see myself having. I however do still have a sexual desire and sexual "needs" and guess what? I can fulfilling those desires those needs here. What my point is, is that as a woman in her early twenties I do not want younger women or even any woman to be ashamed of this and that's why I am an advocate. I want everyone everywhere to embrace their sexuality and let it empower them, not as if it's part of a "meat package" but that it's part of our humanity.
I want everyone everywhere to hold a sign, no matter what or who you are and have it say, "I am ____ I am sexy, I am human, I have a brain and I am empowered by this." And believe it.
Or something like that.
I do believe this to be my longest comment, ever.