Okay, so let me elaberate on my last post, and why it was so awesome,
First off, came up to Portland and saw the Kills at the Wonder Ball Room which was an amazing show
Yeah the picture quality isn't that great, they were taken with Selene's phone.
Speaking of her...
the second reason that last week was awesome, is that we found out that the set I shot for her was excepted and will be one the front page next week. Super excited since it made her go pink, and it is a great confidence booster for myself. I keep trying to get better and better, but with this most recent set, I took a simplified approach and it turned out great,
The third reason was on Sunday went to the Tacoma Dome up in Washington and saw RAMMSTEIN!!! Easily one of the most amazing shows I have ever seen. High lights are hard to pick since there are so many of them, but The singer lighting a dude on fire with a flame thrower and watching him run around on stage flaying about was pretty sweet. Oh also during the song "pussy" the singer rode a giant mechanical penis that shot foam all over the audience.
The only draw back was the Best Western we stayed at that was next to the Venue, god damn the staff there sucks! Really don't feel like getting into it right, cause it would just make me mad.
As for life in general, I can honestly say that I am happy and hopeful for the future. Since last November I have gotten away from my last job and I can say that was a huge part of it. As some of you might know I used to install satellite dishes for people. I got paid horrible and worked shitty hours.
True fact, on average I worked between 50-60 hours a week. But the kicker was that I was paid by the job, not by the hour, I looked at my W2 from that year and for the 11 months I worked at that job last year, with those hours, I only made $18,000 and that was BEFORE TAXES. I was seriously getting fucked in a soul crushing kind of way. I was miserable, always exhausted, broke and constantly stressed. It affected all sorts of parts in my life.
But that is in the past, I am now working for myself as an estate planner, and I can tell you it pays a whole lot better. No more getting up at 5:30 in the morning and working weekends. The extra bonus is I will be relocating my busiiness up north to Portland in probabaly a month and a half. Super Excited.
Also super excited to get a place with Selene, she is also the reason for my new sunny disposition. I can't help but smile when I think about her
. She is absolutely my world. Don't worry, I will not sap you all to boredom. All I can say is that it feels great to be one the up swing after a few years of just suck. Expect more photography from me in the near future, I feel recharged and ready to rock and roll. 
First off, came up to Portland and saw the Kills at the Wonder Ball Room which was an amazing show

Speaking of her...
the second reason that last week was awesome, is that we found out that the set I shot for her was excepted and will be one the front page next week. Super excited since it made her go pink, and it is a great confidence booster for myself. I keep trying to get better and better, but with this most recent set, I took a simplified approach and it turned out great,
The third reason was on Sunday went to the Tacoma Dome up in Washington and saw RAMMSTEIN!!! Easily one of the most amazing shows I have ever seen. High lights are hard to pick since there are so many of them, but The singer lighting a dude on fire with a flame thrower and watching him run around on stage flaying about was pretty sweet. Oh also during the song "pussy" the singer rode a giant mechanical penis that shot foam all over the audience.

The only draw back was the Best Western we stayed at that was next to the Venue, god damn the staff there sucks! Really don't feel like getting into it right, cause it would just make me mad.
As for life in general, I can honestly say that I am happy and hopeful for the future. Since last November I have gotten away from my last job and I can say that was a huge part of it. As some of you might know I used to install satellite dishes for people. I got paid horrible and worked shitty hours.
True fact, on average I worked between 50-60 hours a week. But the kicker was that I was paid by the job, not by the hour, I looked at my W2 from that year and for the 11 months I worked at that job last year, with those hours, I only made $18,000 and that was BEFORE TAXES. I was seriously getting fucked in a soul crushing kind of way. I was miserable, always exhausted, broke and constantly stressed. It affected all sorts of parts in my life.
But that is in the past, I am now working for myself as an estate planner, and I can tell you it pays a whole lot better. No more getting up at 5:30 in the morning and working weekends. The extra bonus is I will be relocating my busiiness up north to Portland in probabaly a month and a half. Super Excited.
Also super excited to get a place with Selene, she is also the reason for my new sunny disposition. I can't help but smile when I think about her

You and Selene are sweet 

Right on!!! That's awesome! I love hearing about people finding someone and being happy. That totally rules.