Perfecting the art of being a hermit or recluse is only a profitable usage of your time if you have long term plans to be as such. After years of secluding myself among a handful of familiar faces, occasionally crawling into more populated venues only to play distant and aloof, I have come to the conclusion that I have deprived myself important and potentially irretrievable experiences. The more adjusted one becomes with seclusion the more difficult it becomes to break those habits and learn to behave otherwise. I'd rather be a hermit once I have lived and believe I know what's out there then be one because I have eliminated all other choices. I think I'm finally starting to dig this whole "being alive" thing.
(So If I like don't update for a while, or disappear or something, it's most likely a good thing.)
(So If I like don't update for a while, or disappear or something, it's most likely a good thing.)
or so i assume...