My house is full of creepy German electricians. There is something unsettling about hear people beneath you speaking German followed by various bangs and crashes. "Jason, come down." One of them says. "What sort of insideous device have they laid down at the bottom of the stairs" I'm thininking. "Ve git key, ya?" Says the large-eyed bald one. So they left for about an hour and since I am going to be in and out of the house all day, these men now have a key to my house. I'm going to die in my sleep.
Answer of the day: Yeah... Well a few times at first, but then I kind of got lazy about it. I meant well though.
Question to yesterdays Answer: Would you still love me if _____?
Side note: I am currently editing a mock german art film titled "Mein Sandvich"
explanation of "Answer of the Day"
Answer of the day: Yeah... Well a few times at first, but then I kind of got lazy about it. I meant well though.
Question to yesterdays Answer: Would you still love me if _____?
Side note: I am currently editing a mock german art film titled "Mein Sandvich"
explanation of "Answer of the Day"
hahahaha, you're going to die in an OVEN!
hey there! how's it hangin?