Well I'm a new member, and for a few reasons. First and formost, erections and Visa cards are a dangerous combination. Earlier today I chose to write a profile and bump my self from anonymous creep to registered creep! Isn't that kissy thing creepy? Well it would be if you knew what I looked like and pictured me doing it. I actually was going to put a picture on my profile, but it didn't work and I lost patience. Look at this, I'm writing as if someone will actually read this, and if so, would actually care. Well It's time to sleep.
I did the anonymous creep to registered creep transition a while back- the erection thing didn't really come into play in my case, though. I wish you better luck at being a non-lurker than I'm having with my measly under-40 comment count
Well since your the only one that responded to anything I've said so far, thanks for the wish of good luck.