I am too picky, I am pretty sure. I can blame it on knowing what I like, but really I am just picky.

Really, I just should go out with everyone I can find and see what happens. haha.
Aww nostalgia.

Tonight my happy place was found in the middle of a buncha old hair band songs. lol.

Fuck, you know its really hard work to be as neurotic as I am, I should stop. I think underneath is all I am awesome. I just have to stop caring if other people think so or not. Fuck people. haha.

I like Adam Carolla's saying....
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There is this mesageboard I go to, and I love some of the people there (like, real life hang out with a couple times a week people) but I think I need to stop going to it. But man, a habit that old (10_ years now I am sure) is heard to break. I need a new group of people to challenge me. I feel...
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How bad of an idea would it be to do a road trip from like Dec 26th to Dec 30th?


I have the week off, and nothing to do.


Wholly crap, for some reason I am so frustrated this morning. I have so much I want to do, and my JOB gets in the freaking way.

I just heard there is a meteor...
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You should have had me make your website. Just sayin'. wink

And those car photos have me salivating like....oh, you have no idea. eeek love

And that Wonka with the axe is too fucking hysterical. Thanks, I needed that. biggrin
The second photo gives me goosebumps. eeek

I clearly need to work on my automotive photography. blush

When summertime comes to the East Coast, I'll see if I can step up my game.

You put me to shame. ::hangs head:: But at least I have an impending winter excuse!
WHOAKY dokey here is a gallery of photos from Mooneyes at Irwindale ok have fun.

Mooneyes Xmas crowdfest at Irwindale
This is probably late to mention, but I am going to the Mooneyes Xmas party at Irwindale tomorrow. Anyone going? Probably a lot of people I don't know. LOL

I might try to do a photographic journal of the day. Maybe. Hopefully some good looking girls with some awesome cars. Haha
I am drawing tonight, and going to try to draw more. Who should I draw? (I used to do pin up shit, so its all I know really)
wow, I am out of practice. oye.
WHOA had to make a less emo post.

Here is a link to photos form last weekend. I made this small gallery and there is also a GIANT gallery, but no one wants to look through 300 pics, so I am linking to 32. haha.

And, i had to get rid of my emo post. smile

I have been extremely irritable lately. Probably100 things, but probably...
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I hate that even at my age its damn near impossible for me to try to strike up a random conversation with a woman I find attractive. I just have this weird thing where I can't "act". Maybe I am just retarded. lol

I guess my big thing is I dislike annoying people, bothering people. And for a LONG time I thought so lowly of...
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I think you're WAY too hard yourself - personally.

A. You're a hell of a photographer.
B. You have GREAT interests (F1, vintage cars, great taste in music, you're on this site(!), photography).
C. The things you dislike, well....I dislike...so you're not that unusual in that regard either.

Use my blog as practice if you want to. I studied Communications (not the film/tv kind, communications in the very basic sense (gender communications, nonverbal behavior, body language, etc.) at some pretty top notch schools (UPENN, Seton Hall -- so I'm kinda not a moron (tooting my own horn)). Maybe I'm not your type in terms of attractiveness, but if you wanna strike up a random conversation, give it a go. We've had a few, and I think you do great!

Reread my first sentence. Again, I just think you're too hard on yourself. miao!!