This is where I am going to post a photo that I took that day, evey day. It won't be good, it will be about that day. Usually.

I have a plan.

Sunset through dusk into night, skyline photos of SD.

I am hoping for tomorrows storm clouds to be rolling in at some point.

Then Korean food.


OK, so here are some photos...
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This is where I am going to post a photo that I took that day, evey day. It won't be good, it will be about that day. Usually.

I let someone borrow my 5D Classic and 50mm f1.4 and 580ex. I miss them right now. I am looking for something to do. I guess using that as an excuse to not go take pictures is...
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Reading this almost broke me.

Funny ass shit right here.

Read, laugh, laugh more.
ahh the holidays. the time of year I am reminded that I am a solitary guy. Not by choice, just kind of the way it is.

I am a quiet, shy person that figures no one wants to be bothered by me. It sounds so stupid when I say it, but its how I am. Not how I LIKE to be, just how I am....
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Stone Lucky Bastard, not a bad beer at all!

And, well, that's all I have to say.
Life sure is for the living. I hear ya, my friend.

And it's "get busy living, or get busy dying" -- great line from "The Shawshank Redemption" (well, the moooooovie, anyhow, not sure if that's in the novel). wink


So rad.

ok, go see the set that is on the main page, or don't.

I am in a bad mood, so whatever.

I need to line up some shoots, this time of year is depressing.
Shoots? as in photography or guns..how depressing is this time of year?
haha shoots. thats what i like to hear. Last monday 2 models decided not to show up to the shoot i had them booked in. Wow, was that ever a pissy day for me. 1 of them at least called me and said so. The other, didnt tell me anything, didnt show up, wouldnt pick up her phone, and never got back to me why she didnt show up. I know shes alive because she's updating her facebook.

*sharpens knife* that bitch.....
I am drawing while I "play" the Spec B part of GT5. I will make a thread in the Fan Art section and post some stuff here that I like. I am forcing myself to draw in pen and it seems to be helping. Less second guessing that way.
Is Spec b worth playing and is it any fun?
seriously. This winter needs to end faster so i can start shooting again
Radeo is so freaking pretty. and Otis Redding is amazing.

I am finding that it is hard to find the right tattoo artist, at least if you are picky and an artist. And looking through photos there are not very many good automotive tattoos. Most I have seen pics of look like shit. I think finding the right art, or creating the right art I...
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Oh well, happy Friday fuckers.

I think I'm going to have to "pay" one way or another myself too. Hot damn.

Happy fuckin' Friday to you too.

J/K kiss

You know I love ya. wink
Man, I just can NOT draw like I used to. I spend all my time on photography, so I guess its expected. But very frustrating.

I used to be good!! Really! I rocked. But the whole not drawing much for 6 years just ruins me. FOOEY!

Maybe I'll keep trying, its just tough. haha.