Dude, my last entry was only responded to by Canadians! Hot damn I love you Canucks! If I didn't have so many connections to New England, I'd so pack up and move up there with you guys. Then again, depending on the outcome of the next election, I might hitch me up a hobo pack and ship myself up north anyway.
Oh, and to everyone commenting on my beard in those pics: I've actually had a beard since shortly after I took my profile picture, and just haven't come up with a more recent profile pic yet. It started out as just plain laziness, then I decided I liked it and so I kept it. Don't worry, though, I trimmed down the whole thing the other night. It's much more controlled now. I'm really not aiming for a full on beard, as much as a nice little goatee-ish type thing.
Anyone who hasn't already, check out my Prague pictures in my pics section.
Later all!
Oh, and to everyone commenting on my beard in those pics: I've actually had a beard since shortly after I took my profile picture, and just haven't come up with a more recent profile pic yet. It started out as just plain laziness, then I decided I liked it and so I kept it. Don't worry, though, I trimmed down the whole thing the other night. It's much more controlled now. I'm really not aiming for a full on beard, as much as a nice little goatee-ish type thing.
Anyone who hasn't already, check out my Prague pictures in my pics section.

Later all!
Your pictures were great! I have a friend studying biochemistry who went to Prague to do some research. He loved it as well!
Hurray for Canucks and super tall freaks! YAY!! You should ship yourself up here, then you could add Kids In the Hall references in regards to your beard: "The beard doesn't go, YOU go!!"