You know the thing that sucks about being in Prague? I have to wait till 4 PM to figure out what the new set of the day is.
I think I've given up on the idea of going back to the festival tomorrow. Too much of a hassle. Oh well.
Shot my second project last night. It's all about how Bush is really a shape-shifting lizard and it follows our attempts to track him down (in Prague, for some reason). Shot it in 3 hours!
I'm making this a lazy day. Just gonna spend most of it reading, and maybe getting a little writing done.
That's about all. Later, folks!
I think I've given up on the idea of going back to the festival tomorrow. Too much of a hassle. Oh well.
Shot my second project last night. It's all about how Bush is really a shape-shifting lizard and it follows our attempts to track him down (in Prague, for some reason). Shot it in 3 hours!

I'm making this a lazy day. Just gonna spend most of it reading, and maybe getting a little writing done.
That's about all. Later, folks!
You know the thing that sucks about being in Prague? um me not being there

shape-shifting lizard? isn't that something from a cheech & chong movie?