I slammed my finger in a door and it hurts like a bitch.
I had to reshoot my project and that sucked like a bitch.
I haven't had sex since December and that's just a bitch.
I got 99 problems and a bitch ain't one...it's ALL of 'em.
Greetings from Prague.
I had to reshoot my project and that sucked like a bitch.
I haven't had sex since December and that's just a bitch.
I got 99 problems and a bitch ain't one...it's ALL of 'em.
Greetings from Prague.

how ya doin?
havent seen u on msn in a while.... ive missed u alot! anyways im back around now.... ive figured out how to slightly manage my time... lol not really ive spent the last 2-3 hours on here and i gotta make dinner and eat and do laundry shower and sleep and get up at like 5....
i havent had sex in a while either. it sux ass damn it. well email me or something mister.... i wanna talk....
theres nothing really important to talk about... but hey why not talk anyways u know? we can talk about ur sexy self.....
*sigh*...... i love ur fucking glasses and well damn i juss love u!!! ur so fucking hot babe! u really are. everytime i get on here i think about u and how hot u are.... and of course make my daily rounds to ur page and pix...
hope your finger feels better.
greetings from guelph, ontario.