I hate living at home again. I'm 20 fucking years old, I want my fucking privacy. My parents don't seem to understand the idea of knock THEN wait for a response THEN enter, which is not cool when a certain someone is a chronic masturbator. This is my last fucking summer at home, I swear.
Andrew W. K. = A lot of fun.
Andrew W. K.'s fans = retarded idiots
Yesterday I took the commuter rail into Boston to go to the junior high school I volunteer at on Fridays. Got up there and it turned out that the teacher didn't have the class that day. Well, decided that I was not going to waste a day in Boston, and so I gave my friend Amy a call since she's been bugging me to visit her in her new apartment. I gave her a call and it turned out that she had an extra ticket to Andrew W. K. for that night. I was like "Yeah, sure. He's not great, but he's fun." Get to her apartment, look up the show on AWK's website to find that one of the bands opening for him was THE LOCUST! Fucking brilliant band.
So, show starts up with some band called Fireball something I don't remember, They dressed like an 80's metal band, and played decent metal I guess. Then was No Motiv, who suck, and my friend Amy was the only one singing along.
Then the Locust played which was amazing. They really try to push the definition of what music really is. They're chaotic and loud and brilliantly bizarre, the musical equivalent of Samuel Beckett. The pit was crazy. There was this real metal head guy who was like three hundred pounds who kept coming into the pit and was really pissed that, every time he went into the pit, the rest of us cleared out. The best was seeing the reactions of the drunken frat boys who had come to see AWK going "What the fuck was that?"
Then Andrew W.K. came up. I think that, for half of the show, there were more audience members than band members on stage. I'm convinced he's got touretts too, since when he tried to thank the bands who had opened for him, he started barking. People applauded him as if it was part of his act, but I got the feeling it wasn't voluntary. He lifted Amy up at one point and threw her half way across the crowd. Just insane. I was telling Amy afterwards: "A show where you end up bruised is a good show. A show where you say to yourself at some point 'So, this is how I'm going to die!' is a great show. This was a great show!"
Then I crashed at Amy's apartment as we watched most of Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter. Hillarious, intentionally bad movie. I didn't get to finish it, but I will soon.
Such a great day!
Edited to add: Did I mention how frustrating it is to spend the whole day and night with a girl who is sexy as fuck but who you know you can't have. Especially when it's really hot out, which always seems to make me horny.
Haha, she keeps saying she wants to submit a set to SG, just as soon as she can get someone to take the pictures. I offered to do it for her because, like it says in my profile, I know something about photography framing and such, but she said no. For the love of God, I'd see the pictures anywawy!
Andrew W. K. = A lot of fun.
Andrew W. K.'s fans = retarded idiots

Yesterday I took the commuter rail into Boston to go to the junior high school I volunteer at on Fridays. Got up there and it turned out that the teacher didn't have the class that day. Well, decided that I was not going to waste a day in Boston, and so I gave my friend Amy a call since she's been bugging me to visit her in her new apartment. I gave her a call and it turned out that she had an extra ticket to Andrew W. K. for that night. I was like "Yeah, sure. He's not great, but he's fun." Get to her apartment, look up the show on AWK's website to find that one of the bands opening for him was THE LOCUST! Fucking brilliant band.
So, show starts up with some band called Fireball something I don't remember, They dressed like an 80's metal band, and played decent metal I guess. Then was No Motiv, who suck, and my friend Amy was the only one singing along.
Then the Locust played which was amazing. They really try to push the definition of what music really is. They're chaotic and loud and brilliantly bizarre, the musical equivalent of Samuel Beckett. The pit was crazy. There was this real metal head guy who was like three hundred pounds who kept coming into the pit and was really pissed that, every time he went into the pit, the rest of us cleared out. The best was seeing the reactions of the drunken frat boys who had come to see AWK going "What the fuck was that?"
Then Andrew W.K. came up. I think that, for half of the show, there were more audience members than band members on stage. I'm convinced he's got touretts too, since when he tried to thank the bands who had opened for him, he started barking. People applauded him as if it was part of his act, but I got the feeling it wasn't voluntary. He lifted Amy up at one point and threw her half way across the crowd. Just insane. I was telling Amy afterwards: "A show where you end up bruised is a good show. A show where you say to yourself at some point 'So, this is how I'm going to die!' is a great show. This was a great show!"
Then I crashed at Amy's apartment as we watched most of Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter. Hillarious, intentionally bad movie. I didn't get to finish it, but I will soon.
Such a great day!
Edited to add: Did I mention how frustrating it is to spend the whole day and night with a girl who is sexy as fuck but who you know you can't have. Especially when it's really hot out, which always seems to make me horny.

sorry to hear about ur parents at home... lol... my mom is still like that... only she doesnt knock she juss comes in... lol.....
i miss talking to u mister.. i dont see u on anymore... i hope i didnt delete u... oh poop on me... i think i did... uhm ur email was a hotmail one huh?
even if it was yahoo i deleted contacts from there too that i couldnt remeber the email addy or name to.... oh poop... uhm can u email me thro here so i can re-add u to my messenger thing...
thats probably why i havent been able to talk to u lately... sorry.. its my fault im sure....
i miss u either way tho...