Due to a glitch in my AIM service, my ex now thinks I'm ignoring her. I told her what happened but, knowing how stubborn and self-righteous she is, she'll never believe me.
Edited to add: Lo and behold, I was right.
Edited to add: I just had what will probably be the last conversation I will ever have with her. Then again, if she's anything, she's unpredictable, so who knows? I didn't want to end it this badly. I wanted her to be able to look back on me and think highly of me. I don't know who's to blame for it not ending up the way I wanted it. I know who my instincts want to blame, but that's not fair. I just keep thinking about that No Doubt song, "Ex-Girlfriend". The genders would have to be reversed for it to apply to me, and it's not really a very good song, but everything about it reminds me of how I feel. I've always been concerned with how people will remember me. It's vain, I know, but it's true. I always wanted to be remembered as a good person. But I guess this is kharma for not granting some other people that same respect (and no, this is not referring to her).
I wish my computer would finish downloading Eternal Sunshine. I could use that movie right about now.
Edited to add: Lo and behold, I was right.
Edited to add: I just had what will probably be the last conversation I will ever have with her. Then again, if she's anything, she's unpredictable, so who knows? I didn't want to end it this badly. I wanted her to be able to look back on me and think highly of me. I don't know who's to blame for it not ending up the way I wanted it. I know who my instincts want to blame, but that's not fair. I just keep thinking about that No Doubt song, "Ex-Girlfriend". The genders would have to be reversed for it to apply to me, and it's not really a very good song, but everything about it reminds me of how I feel. I've always been concerned with how people will remember me. It's vain, I know, but it's true. I always wanted to be remembered as a good person. But I guess this is kharma for not granting some other people that same respect (and no, this is not referring to her).
I wish my computer would finish downloading Eternal Sunshine. I could use that movie right about now.
I love your voice....

nope. your friend failed to ever actually said this to me. whats their name? if you dont mind me asking. it would have been funny, but i'm guessing i know what class it was and i was usually anything but in good spirits in that class, and my response probably would have come off as less than friendly.