The Swan just confirms my suspicions that everyone who works for the Fox network is going to hell.
More Blogs
Friday Jun 04, 2004
Silver, my poor poor powerbook G4, has been sent back to Apple Headqu… -
Thursday Jun 03, 2004
Hey, thanks all of you for your great positive comments regarding ton… -
Wednesday Jun 02, 2004
I'm working on my poetry for tomorrow night's poetry slam. I love co… -
Tuesday Jun 01, 2004
I need pussy or booze. Anyone wanna help me out with either of the… -
Friday May 28, 2004
I am convinced that there is a computer curse on me. That no matter … -
Thursday May 27, 2004
I went to a poetry slam tonight. It's been a while since I've been t… -
Wednesday May 26, 2004
My tolerance level has peaked Now it's time for heads to get flown. … -
Saturday May 22, 2004
I hate living at home again. I'm 20 fucking years old, I want my fuc… -
Monday May 17, 2004
My mom has a new dog. She gets so attatched to dogs, and she's gotte… -
Thursday May 13, 2004
Okay, so I've had this idea I've been working on for a screenplay for…
Faux News sucks, but I must admit that I will watch a baseball game on Fox from time to time. Hopefully, in 2007, a new network will be chosen.