There are certain people on this site I really hate.
There are certain double standards on this site that make me want to hurt people.
There are certain people on this site that deserve to get zotted but don't.
There are certain people on this site who are above the rules.
I love this site, but some things just piss me off.
Yes, I've shot my mouth off here more than a few times, saying things I shouldn't have. But I apologize. And the way people respond to shit here sometimes is absurd. I'd complain, but my experience is that that accomplishes nothing.
I hate people.
There are certain double standards on this site that make me want to hurt people.
There are certain people on this site that deserve to get zotted but don't.
There are certain people on this site who are above the rules.
I love this site, but some things just piss me off.
Yes, I've shot my mouth off here more than a few times, saying things I shouldn't have. But I apologize. And the way people respond to shit here sometimes is absurd. I'd complain, but my experience is that that accomplishes nothing.
I hate people.

The way some others phrase things, which ultimately are not meant to be hurtful or rude for the most part, put me in a somber, if not full-blown heated, mood.
I'd just like to show the world there is such a book as a thesaurus.