It's never a good sign when you spend your Spring Break nights getting drunk in your parents' basement while watching Boy Meets World.
Goddamit, I've said it a million times before, but I need a woman.
Goddamit, I've said it a million times before, but I need a woman.

why be embarrassed about talking about things u do? u know i mean if u find it to be embarrassing maybe u shouldnt be doing it... lol... anyways....
for this reason i wonder why im not single....
anyhow... sorry u had to pretend... wow that had to suc...
guys always nibble on my ears and i hate it... now my neck and back thats another story but i hate ears... makes them all wet and cold and soggy feeling... ewwwwwwy... lol. sorry im kinda like a 5 yr old inside still.... i doubt ill ever really grow up.... haha i dont think i wanna either... i like crayons and gummi bears...
anyways sorry its long... i talk alot usually if i feel comfortable with the person... sorry if this is alot... i think its juss cuz of the spacing tho... off topic again... whats ur favorite color?
i dunno y i juss thought of this... but im extremely ticklish... i think somehow i related that to the nibbling... if i think about it long enough ill remember y i said it..... sorry... thinking aloud again... i should learn not to do that... are u ticklish? juss wondering since i was on the topic....
okay im done writting my thesis on MacBeth... lol sorry its long...