I have to ask the woman out there. Why is that ALOT of woman go after assholes and guys who treat them like shit?? After the guy breaks their heart they go back out with that guy down the road or find someone who acts the same way? I thought woman would want to be treated with respect and loved like they actually matter not get treated like crap. Please boys and girls help me make sense of this!!! I know not all girls are like this but it makes no sense what so ever.

Thank you for the compliment! That is encouraging 

thanks for the comment on my blog! I actually do have some preview pictures of my set in an older blog if you want to check it out
and to answer your question, I'd have to say for me, I just kept believing my ex was going to change. It sounds really dumb but I think it's the same for almost every woman who goes back, they always have faith things are going to get better because the man will keep promising he will change, and we are just too nice. But sooner or later, the good, strong women will realize whether or not it's a healthy relationship to stay in, and if they don't realize it, than you shouldn't stress over dumb women like that. it's not worth your time, you obviously deserve someone better and smarter!