Hey Everyone!! So I know not all girls are shallow but serioulsy after y accident i never knew or relized just how shallow girls were. It sucks all i ask for is honesty! If my wheelchair bothers u then ok thats fine thanks for being hoenst and good luck in your life. But dot hangout with me say all these great thins and then have me find out they are fucking sum1 behind my back and are w/e with mecuz hey feel bad for me or they just didnt relize that I cant do everything minus the legs!! I can do w.e i waht but seriously its BS I know not all of you fgirls are NOT like that at alll. But on the good side it weeds out the good girls and the bad girls for me. Sorry i had to get that off my chest! But I love all of my freinds on here!! You are all great and not to mention Beautiful, Gorgeous, and fucking Sexy as hell!! THanks Everyone!!!!

hope, you come back, soon
enjoy your day!