Well I have a couple things bothering me right now....
1. I hurt a really good freind. I had no idea that I she was hurting becasue nothing seemed out of the ordianry or I just didnt pick up on it. I think it was a little bit of both but they told me about it today instead of a couple weeks ago so now i have been crying a little but cuz i hurt someone who is soo great in every way. They already have enough on thier table and i just made it worst and now i feel liek a HUGE Jackass and a pile of shit cuz they dont desrve this. And if they read this i already told them that i feel i feel liek a hugeidiot and that iam soo very sorry for comlplicating things. And when i talked on the phone that was me acctually crying because i hurt you and thats the last thing in the world i ever wanted to do!! I hope u can forgive me.
2. Iam still looking for a job. And that is sucking up. Iam trying to sell my wheelchair ramp so i can get a couple extra thousand dollars so i can survie for a couple months more. I have been stressing out big time and it sucks but i know god will help me find way but i just hope that is it soon and i also hope luck is on my side which it hasent been the past 5 years.
3. I was hanging around this girl who said she was interested in me and this and that. We jsut hung out a liek 5 days straight and it was a fun 5 days. Then i found out she was fucking sum1 behind my back. Iam happy i didnt sleep with her but then when I asked her why she would spend that much time with me and said she wanted to hang out more why she would do that and she jsut said well i kinda felt sorry for u at first but then u grew on me but i couldnt decide which one of u i wanted. So i told her well ill make ur choice for you.. Iam done and i hate cheaters. But this shit happens ALOT. Why cant i find jsut one great and normal girl??
4. I just want to thank everyone on here who has became my friend and has acctually talked to me and helped me out with a few of my problems in the past. I LOVE SG and every freind i have made on here. I hope all of you have a great and safe weekend!! Thanks Again!!
1. I hurt a really good freind. I had no idea that I she was hurting becasue nothing seemed out of the ordianry or I just didnt pick up on it. I think it was a little bit of both but they told me about it today instead of a couple weeks ago so now i have been crying a little but cuz i hurt someone who is soo great in every way. They already have enough on thier table and i just made it worst and now i feel liek a HUGE Jackass and a pile of shit cuz they dont desrve this. And if they read this i already told them that i feel i feel liek a hugeidiot and that iam soo very sorry for comlplicating things. And when i talked on the phone that was me acctually crying because i hurt you and thats the last thing in the world i ever wanted to do!! I hope u can forgive me.
2. Iam still looking for a job. And that is sucking up. Iam trying to sell my wheelchair ramp so i can get a couple extra thousand dollars so i can survie for a couple months more. I have been stressing out big time and it sucks but i know god will help me find way but i just hope that is it soon and i also hope luck is on my side which it hasent been the past 5 years.
3. I was hanging around this girl who said she was interested in me and this and that. We jsut hung out a liek 5 days straight and it was a fun 5 days. Then i found out she was fucking sum1 behind my back. Iam happy i didnt sleep with her but then when I asked her why she would spend that much time with me and said she wanted to hang out more why she would do that and she jsut said well i kinda felt sorry for u at first but then u grew on me but i couldnt decide which one of u i wanted. So i told her well ill make ur choice for you.. Iam done and i hate cheaters. But this shit happens ALOT. Why cant i find jsut one great and normal girl??
4. I just want to thank everyone on here who has became my friend and has acctually talked to me and helped me out with a few of my problems in the past. I LOVE SG and every freind i have made on here. I hope all of you have a great and safe weekend!! Thanks Again!!

i didnt know you where in a wheelchair hun.. do you mind if i ask what happened?
Sorry to hear about your troubles, dude. Keep your chin up.