Well Hello everyone!!! So i have been stressing out BIG time!! Iam still trying to find a job and i have been living off of my taxes and i got one more month to go that i will be able to live off of it. Iam trying to sell my old wheelchair ramp that i dont even use any more and i havent used in a long time. So ifi can sell that I will be able to pull a couple more month out. But other then that things are going fairly good. I take out alot of my fustration out when im at the gym and throwing around the weights so after my work out I feel alot better!! But Iam sorry it has taken me soo long to write back i have been super busy and stressed to the max. I hope everyone else is doing great!! Any one in Minnesota in the Twin Cities area if u hear of any job opens that pertains to the comptuer technolgy felid please fill me in!! Thanks alot i appreciate it!!! Take Care Everyone
XoXo Josh
XoXo Josh

and hope you've sorted out your job situation by now...
Much Love!