Hey Hey!! How is everyone doing??? Ehh im ok bored silly at work and this damn computer is being a a stubborn bitch. But other then that i graduate in a month which is exciting but then i have to start living the life which sucks big donkey dick. Im still single had this one girl i hung out with tell me the next day through text message that my wheelchair bothered her and that really pissed me off big time, well not pissed off but hurt really bad. The date and everything went great and she didnt seem to have a problem then. Then she sent me a text massage i mean come on at least call me or somthing. But other then that i have still been lifting weights which is going great. But i best get back to work!! I hope all is well!! Take Care!!

hey you! i hope all is well 

she obviously doesn't know what I know...lmao.