damn. it has been for-freakin-ever since i updated. damn my job!
i'm unbelievably busy nowadays. to the point where i don't have time to get all my homework done and hang out with friends and catch up on my tivo. and sadly, my priorities are lying with friends and tivo at the moment, leaving me with a bunch of text books i haven't bought yet, and a bunch of assignments i haven't even begun to think about.
tomorrow i have work, hopefully for only a couple of hours. i'm scheduled from 1 to 5, but aparently the schedule might have changed, so i could be there for longer. this job is ok, but i don't think i've ever been so frustrated by a manager. she's constantly telling me to take care of things as soon as i get them (which i do), but when i come to take over her shift, shit is backed up and i have to spend about 2 hours fixing her mess. it's a fucking pain.
i got me an external hard drive and an mp3 player for editing class. and thank god my dad knows people, cause chances are i'd never be able to afford this hard drive if he didn't.
300 gigs! WOWOW! that's more space than i can even think to use. i'm very excited about it. now i got someplace to store all those episodes of Clone High and MST3K so my computer won't run slow as hell.
tonight i have no plans. i'm staying in, watching some tivo'd Arrested Development, then possibly some Conan, then sleep. i look forward to it.
Tomorrow i need to play me some WoW. it's been way too long since i last played and i'm getting antsy. i started a horde guy on another server, just to try out something new and i was having lots of fun. especially cause my friends started some new guys at the same time. it also helps that we have the most ridiculous names ever. Winkles, Kukuberries, and Cowstopher. good times
i'm unbelievably busy nowadays. to the point where i don't have time to get all my homework done and hang out with friends and catch up on my tivo. and sadly, my priorities are lying with friends and tivo at the moment, leaving me with a bunch of text books i haven't bought yet, and a bunch of assignments i haven't even begun to think about.
tomorrow i have work, hopefully for only a couple of hours. i'm scheduled from 1 to 5, but aparently the schedule might have changed, so i could be there for longer. this job is ok, but i don't think i've ever been so frustrated by a manager. she's constantly telling me to take care of things as soon as i get them (which i do), but when i come to take over her shift, shit is backed up and i have to spend about 2 hours fixing her mess. it's a fucking pain.
i got me an external hard drive and an mp3 player for editing class. and thank god my dad knows people, cause chances are i'd never be able to afford this hard drive if he didn't.

tonight i have no plans. i'm staying in, watching some tivo'd Arrested Development, then possibly some Conan, then sleep. i look forward to it.
Tomorrow i need to play me some WoW. it's been way too long since i last played and i'm getting antsy. i started a horde guy on another server, just to try out something new and i was having lots of fun. especially cause my friends started some new guys at the same time. it also helps that we have the most ridiculous names ever. Winkles, Kukuberries, and Cowstopher. good times
going back to out son in law/encino man reference discussion... there need to be more because encino man was so much better than son in law. i feel bad for pauly. i mean just look at sean astin now. he got lord of the rings, 50 first dates, his dad was gomez addams... and he wasnt even advertised as the main actor. it was all about pauly then. i think im gonna go grind the ju-uice in pauly shore's honor.