Well, i got the job. you are now looking at a clerk at Video Northwest. hooray(?)
meh, at least the pay is ok, and the work load is teensy. i work tuesday and wednesday nights and all day on sundays. which are probably the slowest days of all. mostly returns. i closed last night. which probably explains why after i turned off my alarm this morning, i immeadiately went back to sleep and missed my only class of the day. i regret nothing. but i deserve it. my week has been hellish. so much school and work. and too much walking. my boots actually began to fall apart to the point where it's painful to wear them. and traffic last night getting from school to work was insane. the weather yesterday was so fucked up. as i was driving to work, it was pouring both rain and hail. and the sky directly behind me was pitch black. whereas in front of me, it was a really grey sky. and there was a single hole in the clouds where the sun was poking in, which made seeing the road in the middle of the storm all the more difficult. it was very strange.
I miss WoW. it's been like, a week and a half since i've played. that just ain't right.
hey Firefly fans! you should appreciate this picture:
"How's it sit? Pretty cunning, don't ya think?"
My friend ming knits like crazy and she was in a hat making phase, so i asked if she would knit me Jayne's hat from an episode of firefly. and look what happened. i love my hat so
meh, at least the pay is ok, and the work load is teensy. i work tuesday and wednesday nights and all day on sundays. which are probably the slowest days of all. mostly returns. i closed last night. which probably explains why after i turned off my alarm this morning, i immeadiately went back to sleep and missed my only class of the day. i regret nothing. but i deserve it. my week has been hellish. so much school and work. and too much walking. my boots actually began to fall apart to the point where it's painful to wear them. and traffic last night getting from school to work was insane. the weather yesterday was so fucked up. as i was driving to work, it was pouring both rain and hail. and the sky directly behind me was pitch black. whereas in front of me, it was a really grey sky. and there was a single hole in the clouds where the sun was poking in, which made seeing the road in the middle of the storm all the more difficult. it was very strange.
I miss WoW. it's been like, a week and a half since i've played. that just ain't right.
hey Firefly fans! you should appreciate this picture:

"How's it sit? Pretty cunning, don't ya think?"
My friend ming knits like crazy and she was in a hat making phase, so i asked if she would knit me Jayne's hat from an episode of firefly. and look what happened. i love my hat so


ooh sin city was soo good. better than good even.
I'm seeing Sin City in a half hour!!!!