"I'm Back!"
anyways, how's everyone doing?
i have been so ridiculously busy with filming final projects for all my digital cinema classes. and i'm not done. not even close to done, actually. i have 3 more shorts to film, and oh, i don't know, 2 days to do it in. blech. it also sucks cause i have to film one that has to essentially be perfect to get any kind of credit for it, and i couldn't care less about the script i wrote for it. maybe if i had more than a week to write/film it, i'd get a little attached to the characters and then i'd be ready to go, but i really just don't care much for the script i wrote. i guess i'll just have to make it as visually interesting as possible. which will be difficult to do in my friends' apartment, but there's not much i can do about that.
speaking of shorts, we just put up a new one at the website. one in which i dress up as a zombie and my friends and i roam the streets asking what people would do if there was a zombie attack. it was surprisingly fun to film, and it was surprising how many people on the busy streets of chicago saw me and they just didn't care. "zombie, eh?" ::goes back to reading paper::
anyways, you should watch it. it's entertaining. go HERE and scroll down to the bottom. it's the 2nd link under "Shorts". if you need any extra incentive, there's an adorable elderly foreign man at the end who we all just wanted to give a big hug and take home to be our grandpa.
professor farnsworth says, "GOOD NEWS!"
i may be getting a job at a local Video Store. that would mean sitting around all day, watching movies and getting paid to do so. keep your fingers crossed for me.
also, last night was the first time i watched "The 5th Element". weird-ass movie, but damn enjoyable
YAY your back!!!
Thanks babe!