i don't think i could hate traffic any more than i do. really. especially for when you're late for something. i can't stand the feeling of being late. especially when it's traffic's fault. and also when you're late for something you don't even want to go to. "It's like you're late for your shitty life." yes it is, dane cook. yes it is. speaking of Dane Cook, i get to see he's gonna be doing a show at DePaul on February 22nd. i'm definitely getting tickets the day they're available.
i'm buying lots of tickets for stuff lately. tomorrow i'm going to buy some tickets to some Wolves games (local Chicago hockey team. AHL. better than no hockey). then i'm going to get a ticket for the Flogging Molly show. i've only heard like, 4 of their songs, but i liked what i heard. normally i wouldn't go, but my friend is literally 150% irish, and it would break his little green heart if no one came along with him. and hopefully i can manage to snag some U2 tickets on saturday. chances are i won't be able to, but one of my friends is trying to get some GA tickets too, so hopefully we can get in there.
I've decided that Shaun of the Dead is definitely my favorite movie of 2004. it took lots of deliberation, but when i really thought about it, the choice wasn't too hard. It was down to Shaun and The Incredibles. and my heart lies with the zombie romantic comedy.
I cannot tell you how much i hate pretentious people. the other night in class, we started watching this really old german movie. and if you've seen family guy, you'll know what i mean when i say that this movie might as well have had a clown flipping a pancake at the end. and the teacher asked what we thought and my friend and i said we didn't really like it and it wasn't entertaining. and half the class gave us such dirty looks. which was actually pretty funny. i just can't stand people who think their opinion is so superior to yours and get offended when you don't think the same thing. we all have different tastes in movies people. just because i'm not a big fan of German impressionism films doesn't mean i suck at life.
i suck at life for totally different reasons
i'm buying lots of tickets for stuff lately. tomorrow i'm going to buy some tickets to some Wolves games (local Chicago hockey team. AHL. better than no hockey). then i'm going to get a ticket for the Flogging Molly show. i've only heard like, 4 of their songs, but i liked what i heard. normally i wouldn't go, but my friend is literally 150% irish, and it would break his little green heart if no one came along with him. and hopefully i can manage to snag some U2 tickets on saturday. chances are i won't be able to, but one of my friends is trying to get some GA tickets too, so hopefully we can get in there.
I've decided that Shaun of the Dead is definitely my favorite movie of 2004. it took lots of deliberation, but when i really thought about it, the choice wasn't too hard. It was down to Shaun and The Incredibles. and my heart lies with the zombie romantic comedy.
I cannot tell you how much i hate pretentious people. the other night in class, we started watching this really old german movie. and if you've seen family guy, you'll know what i mean when i say that this movie might as well have had a clown flipping a pancake at the end. and the teacher asked what we thought and my friend and i said we didn't really like it and it wasn't entertaining. and half the class gave us such dirty looks. which was actually pretty funny. i just can't stand people who think their opinion is so superior to yours and get offended when you don't think the same thing. we all have different tastes in movies people. just because i'm not a big fan of German impressionism films doesn't mean i suck at life.
i suck at life for totally different reasons

I am so ready for the summer!!