well, after the extremely horrendous week i had a couple days ago, things are starting to look up in a big way.
got back my Digital Cinema mid-term (which i took about a month ago). before he handed them back, he put a grade chart on the board. 51 is an A, 50 is an A-, etc. my friend john gets his back and he got a 52. "well done" i say to him. i get mine back. 54. that makes me very happy. and it was the only exam we took through-out the entire course. so i'm very pleased right now.
Tomorrow is my last day of classes. that's so kick-ass. I will celebrate by purchasing season 7 of Buffy on dvd, and then watching it. after that, it's one day of finals, and then no school for me until just after new years. although i'm kind of going to miss not taking my movie classes every day. I think i might sign up for a theater class tonight.
i really want certain people to start coming home from school. i've decided to go for it with amy over thanksgiving. hopefully i don't screw things up. but if things went well, that would make me indescribably happy.
but until then, i will remain a sad, miserable, lonely bastard
hahaha! i'm looking up how to cite a television interview for my term paper and the example they gave me in this big important text book is, "Gellar, Sarah Michelle, perf. 'Once More, With Feeling.' Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Dir. Joss Whedon. WB. WWQR, New York. 6 Nov. 2001."
that is so awesome. and how sad is it that i know they got that wrong? At that point, it was the sixth season, which means it would have been UPN, not WB. *pushes up nerd glasses* mmglayvin!
got back my Digital Cinema mid-term (which i took about a month ago). before he handed them back, he put a grade chart on the board. 51 is an A, 50 is an A-, etc. my friend john gets his back and he got a 52. "well done" i say to him. i get mine back. 54. that makes me very happy. and it was the only exam we took through-out the entire course. so i'm very pleased right now.
Tomorrow is my last day of classes. that's so kick-ass. I will celebrate by purchasing season 7 of Buffy on dvd, and then watching it. after that, it's one day of finals, and then no school for me until just after new years. although i'm kind of going to miss not taking my movie classes every day. I think i might sign up for a theater class tonight.
i really want certain people to start coming home from school. i've decided to go for it with amy over thanksgiving. hopefully i don't screw things up. but if things went well, that would make me indescribably happy.
but until then, i will remain a sad, miserable, lonely bastard
hahaha! i'm looking up how to cite a television interview for my term paper and the example they gave me in this big important text book is, "Gellar, Sarah Michelle, perf. 'Once More, With Feeling.' Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Dir. Joss Whedon. WB. WWQR, New York. 6 Nov. 2001."
that is so awesome. and how sad is it that i know they got that wrong? At that point, it was the sixth season, which means it would have been UPN, not WB. *pushes up nerd glasses* mmglayvin!
feel free to drop a line!